Who Is That? -part 1

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Damn. Really? What is this? If I knew been a king is this depressing I would have never take this. I waited for the night to meet Adrien, Christian and my family to discuss about how to bring Princess Dragmoir. And at last night came and right now I'm on my way to meet them.

"His majesty KING DIMITRI BELICOV IS ENTERING." That guard shouted again.

"Good evening guys. Did you two rest well?' I asked from Adrien and Christian.

"No" said Adrien.

"yes"said Christian. "You shouldn't have been busy with a girl Ivashcov ." He continued.

"I agree with that" Replied mom with a humorous laugh.

"Ha ha ha thanks for the compliment." said Adrien .

"Can we please start to discuss about the reason we are here? Or else please let us be excused dimka." said Carolina completely annoyed.

"Yes sure why not? Now let's first go through what we know about Dragmoir kingdom." I agreed with Caro and started.

"It's the smallest kingdom and the king, queen and crowned prince were murdered by our father." Said Victoria.

"We all know that Vika. What I meant was what do we know about the princess? The only one who is left." I said to Victoria.

"Her name is Vasilissa Dragmoir." said Christian along with "From what I have heard she is slim tall and has blonde hair."

"From where did you hear that?" Asked Mama.

"Two years ago my parents were invited to the crowning of Prince Andrea. I couldn't go because I was visiting my aunt Tasha." He said.

"That's a shame. I would have not missed that." said Adrien.

"Of course you wouldn't." whispered Victoria and Adrien just shrugged his shoulders with his typical Ivashcov grin.

"That information is enough to have a picture of her in our mind and I'm pretty much sure that she has green eyes too like her family members." I said.

"Even if we ask her to come she won't. I'm sure she will not. We need to bring her by force." said Adrien.

"Yes . That won't be easy either. From what I have heard soldiers are there with her every day after what happened because now she is the hair to the crown." Said Vika.

"She is the twin sister of her brother. That means she is still 17. According to the law, to be named as King or The queen heir must be at least 18. And that is the only chance for us." Said Christian.

"Yeah you are right. And from what I've heard now there are lack of soldiers. So it won't be that hard." I said.

"Wait what about her powers? Do you know what it is?" Asked Vika. I must admit I've forgotten about that completely.

Powers are something that are within us. All royal family members have them. Sometimes very rarely ordinary people have them. The most powerful and rarest one is known as Chaos. It can do so many things but learning how to control it is so hard. I'm a chaos user too. And I don't know about any other chaos users. The next most powerful power is spirit. It is also rare but not as chaos. Adrien is a spirit user and he knows only another two spirit users except him. The next most powerful one is fire. It isn't rare. Christian, Vika and even my mama has it. Others are earth, water and air. My babushka is a witch she do not have any powers but she has visions. She sees them. The future, The past and other things. When you meet a person who has the same powers your senses awakens. We can feel them.

"I suppose it's either Spirit or Chaos." said Adrien.

"What?" "Why would you think that?" i asked in a complete shock. We have been searching them users for years.

"Well from what I have heard princess never have shown her powers. If she has we would have know." He is right. Powers that royals have are not secrets yet I haven't herd about her one too.

"Damn, this is going to be interesting." said Christian. Well yes it is.

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