Dying in your arms!

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Death! Death is something that's not new to me. I've been there twice before today. Both the times Lissa was there to bring me back. Both the times I reached death but came back. But this time, I don't think it'll be the same. I think this is the time that I should finally let myself go.

To so many people death is something scary, something terrible. But for me, it's eternal peace. It is where I find silence. A silence that makes me feel secure. No matter what I can't help wanting that silence, that calmness. Earlier today I didn't want to die. I wanted to live so that I can make sure that they know the truth. But seeing Dimitri, I knew that they now know the truth. So there are no boundaries or walls which keep me away from that peace, right? Wanting to be there I let myself drown in memories.

I always thought the day I die I'll have memories of Lissa or Dragomirs or my mom. But no. This time they're all about him. They're about my love, my comrade, my fearless king, they are about my Dimitri.

I remember the very first time I heard about him. That was when I was away from the Dragomir Kingdom. I heard that his father killed them and he became the king soon after his father's death. I heard that now he's coming for Lissa. "Bastard" That was my first impression of him.

I remember the very first time I saw him. How handsome and marvelous he looked. I remember the way he spoke. I remember the very first things I noticed when I looked at his face. His eyes. How beautiful they are, how much of gentleness it held. And the way they turned dark and sparkled while using chaos for the very first time.

I smiled at the memory staring at the blue sky.

I remember the way his arms wrapped around me when I fell. His first words to me.

"You aren't going that easily, guardian."

I remember the way he explained everything to me on that ship. I remember the way he made me a guardian of their lands. I remember the way his eyes held respect for my title. I remember the way his eyes widened at the sight of me wearing a ball gown for the first time.

I remember our first practice. How we stared at each other for the first time. The way he reached my soul for the first time. How beautiful his brown eyes looked. The very first time I called him "comrade" and he called me "Roza". I remember that time when he gave me my powers back. How gentle, careful, patient, and loving he was with me. Asking if I'm alright after all the time. How he didn't try to push my limits. I remembered how curious and eager he was to know about chaos.

I remember our first Elijah. How we rode together. The way his hand brushed on my waist. How much he loved seeing my hair down that day. How incredible it was to make it with him. I remember the way I rested my head on his shoulder. How he told me that he'll be with me forever. I remember the way he held me while I was crying in my home. The way he murmured in Russian. How he whispered sweet nothings to me. The way he carried me back. The way he wrapped his arms around me enveloping me to a hug. To a hug, I needed so much.

I remembered the way I caught him watching me asleep. The way he calmed me down. I remembered a kiss. A kiss on the forehead.

I remember how handsome he looked in that lake. The way his fingers caressed my scars. The way he grabbed my waist bringing me for a kiss.

A kiss I will remember forever. How amazing it was. How his lips moved with me. How he carried me to the bed. How we held each other. His beautiful words.

"I love you, Roza. you're not a guardian to me."

I remember how his eyes admired me in that blue ball gown. How he teased me while riding together. I remembered each kiss we shared. I remembered how much I loved sleeping in his arms. I remembered the way his eyes held pride on the day I was named as an official guardian.

I didn't want to remember the bad memories. So I imagined a world for him.

A world where he's safe, happy, loved, and a world where he had a family. A family I could never give him.

Lissa! I wish I could tell her that I love her so much! I don't have to remember everything we've been through. She's in my heart forever.

Most importantly I will never forget those precious memories I had since childhood. I was so lost in my memories that I didn't felt that someone has wrapped his arms around me and calling me.

"Roza Roza please, please look at me. Please milaya look at me, please baby." I heard his voice. I finally came to my senses. There ain't much time for me, I can feel it. But I realized that I have to talk to him. That I have to tell him how much I love him.


"Yes, Roza please don't go to sleep. Please I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I shook my head.

"N ... No Dimitri, please it isn't your fault," I told him.

"No it is my fault, I should've never hurt you," Dimitri told.

I shook my head. He tried to pick me but stopped instantly when I coughed blood.

"Don't Dimitri. I'm holding with,.... with chaos, I'm... trying to concentrate." I told him. I felt his tears on my cheeks.

"Do... don't cry," I told him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Roza. For everything, I told you. For everything, I did. Just don't leave me. Please." He sobbed.

"I have to. It's time."

"No, no." He told me. The first tear rolled down from my eye.

"I love you!" More tears rolled down.

"I love you comrade! So so much," I told him.

"I love you too. I love you so much! I lied to you, I lied to you because I was a fucking coward! Please don't leave me." He told me and I gasped.

"tell that you love me again," I whispered.

"I love you! I love you so much! Marry me, Roza. Marry me. Be my queen." I smiled.


"Marry me. Don't leave me. We can be together. I promise. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I told her. I wanted her in my life. I wanted her. I don't want to imagine a life without her. She gasped. More blood coming from her wound.

I've never been helpless like this in my life. I can't take her to Lissa. I can do nothing right now.

"Tell Lissa that I love her. That I want her to have a lovely life with Christian. And tell him to protect her. Tell Adrian to find the person he deserves. Tell Eddie that Jillian is in the Dashkov Kingdom. Tell Ivan that I wish that he would have a beautiful life with Victoria." She raised her arm to touch my jaw.

"And you, I want you to have a beautiful life with Princess Natasha. Marry her. Have babies. Build a family. Forget about me. Let me go."

"Don't speak like that. We can build our own family." I told her.

"Kiss me. Kiss me, Dimitri, please." I bent down to kiss her lips. She cupped my face as I captured her lips with mine

"I will always love you!" She whispered on my lips, Before I could reply her hands fell from my face as her body went limp.

"Rose, Roza, please no-no-no. NO!" I screamed shaking her. 


Phew! I'm crying guys it's pretty hard to me to write this.

Let me tell you a secret, THIS IS NOT THE END! There are 3 more chapters!


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