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After Hagrid had explained to the four what was happening, they spent the next day in the common room, books from the library surrounding them to try and figure out how to save Buckbeak. Of course, Juniper wasn't much of a reader to begin with unless her parents forced her or it was the book Hermione gifted her. And, to spend hours reading, she didn't realize how tired she actually was, especially after having trouble sleeping the last two nights.

She was on task the first half, but after a little bit, she had fallen asleep, her face resting in a book that sat on her lap. She hadn't realized she was asleep until she felt someone shaking her. "Juniper!" Hermione's voice says. Juniper gasps awake, rubbing her eyes quickly. "So, sorry." Juniper clears her throat, getting back to reading. "No, June. We're taking a break" Hermione says.

"Even though you didn't do anything" Ron scoffs and Juniper rubs her neck sheepishly. "Sorry" Juniper rubs her face tiredly. Ron and Harry move upstairs, leaving Juniper and Hermione alone. Hermione frowns over at her. "Juniper, have you been sleeping lately?" Hermione wonders. "Of course I have" Juniper waves it off, skimming through the book she fell asleep on.

"Please be honest with me" Hermione pleads, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I've had a lot on my mind. With everything going on lately" Juniper shrugs and Hermione nods. "It's not like you have class. Maybe you should just go up and get some sleep" Hermione suggests, "No way. I should be helping you. This is all my mother's fault anyway" Juniper goes to grab another book but Hermione places her hand over Juniper's causing Juniper to tense.

"Juniper, go to sleep. We'll be fine" Hermione assures her. "Then I'll feel useless and I won't be able to sleep" Juniper argues. "Come on" Hermione stands up, motioning for her to follow. Juniper sighs but follows her anyway. Hermione leads her into their dorm room and motions to Juniper's bed. "Hermione, did you just hear anything I said?" Juniper sighs.

Hermione climbs into the bed and lays down as Juniper looks at Hermione confused while Hermione smiles invitingly. "Hermione- I..." Juniper continues to stare at her confused. "Come lay down" Juniper fidgets nervously as she contemplates it. "Juniper, please?" "But-" "Juniper" Juniper slowly walks towards the bed and Hermione watches her. She slowly sits at the edge, her heart racing. "Lay down" Hermione grabs her shoulder, urging her down.

Juniper lays down right beside her, stiffly. Hermione frowns as she notices. "June, relax" Juniper stiffens even more as Hermione places a hand on her stomach. "What are we doing?" Juniper squeaks out. Hermione sighs to herself. "I want you to get some sleep" "I can't sleep right now" Juniper repeats. "I know. Just relax" Juniper takes a couple deep breaths, still acutely aware of the hand on her stomach.

She closes her eyes, starting to relax. She hears humming and winks an eye open. "What are you doing?" "My mum always sang to me when I had trouble sleeping. I thought it would help. Hasn't your mum ever done something like this?" Juniper thinks it over before shaking her head. "No" "Oh. Is it helping? D'you want me to stop?" Hermione asks. "No, no. I-I like it" Hermione smiles and Juniper closes her eyes while Hermione keeps singing. Eventually, Juniper falls asleep.


On Christmas morning, Juniper gets awoken by Hermione jumping around the dorm room. "Juniper, it's Christmas! We have presents!" Hermione beams. Juniper can't help the smile at Hermione's excited expression. "Okay, I'm up. I'm up" Juniper sits up and Hermione carries her presents and Juniper's to Juniper's bed and sets them down, sitting on the bed across from Juniper.

"You don't want to open these with Ron and Harry?" Juniper asks confused. "Nah, I'm fine here" Hermione starts to open her presents and Juniper nods. She starts to open some, pausing on one in confusion. "Who is this from?" She looks the package over and Hermione looks it over.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now