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Lockhart's class was very amusing for Juniper and Draco. Every class, Lockhart decided to read his books to the class and would reenact it for the class, bringing up volunteers. His favorite volunteer to bring up was Harry Potter. Of course Draco would find that amusing because it's his nemesis and Juniper definitely had to admit, it was pretty amusing.

Today's class, Harry had to be a werewolf and Juniper and Draco were giggling with each other the whole time. They kept noticing Ron and Harry sending glares their way but that didn't stop them from laughing. It was just too amusing not to. "Nice, loud howl, Harry-" Harry howls like a werewolf and the two giggle. "Exactly- and then, if you'll believe it, I pounced- like this-" Lockhart demonstrates and grabs Harry, bringing him to the ground.

"Slammed him to the floor- thus with one hand, I managed to hold him down- with my other, I put my wand to his throat" Lockhart puts his wand to Harry's throat. "I then screwed up my remaining strength and performed the immensely complex Homorphus Charm- he let out a piteous moan- go on, Harry." Lockhart commands. Harry lets out a moan.

"Higher than that" He says and Harry does it higher. Juniper and Draco giggle again. "Good- the fur vanished- the fangs shrank- and he turned back into a man. Simple, yet effective- and another village will remember me forever as the hero who delivered them from the monthly terror of werewolf attacks" Lockhart explains right as the bell rings.

Lockhart got up, putting on his signature smile. "Homework- compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf! Signed copies of Magical Me to the author of the best one!" Lockhart calls out as students start grabbing their things and leaving. Juniper and Draco walk out, still giggling from class. Summer walks up beside them. "What's so funny?" She wonders.

"Lockhart just made Potter do another reenactment" Draco chuckles. Summer gets a dreamy smile on her face and Juniper notices. "Please don't tell me you made that face because of Lockhart" Juniper whines. "Nooo" Summer lies. Draco and Juniper give each other a look of disgust. "What do you see in him?" Draco asks. "What do you not see in him? He's incredibly good looking, has perfect teeth, a great sense of humor, has written multiple books about things he's done" Summer starts rambling.

"Okay, okay. We get it. Please stop talking about him" Juniper sighs. Summer just shrugs and starts daydreaming about Lockhart again as the three continue to walk. "I heard there's a quidditch game tomorrow against Gryffindor and Slytherin. Are you two ready?" Lucas says, coming up beside them. "I was born ready. I'm not too sure about Juniper though" Draco smirks.

"Oh, please. We've got this in the bag. Just because your father bought you guys new sticks does not mean we're gonna play any less than you all" Juniper scoffs. "We'll see about that in the game tomorrow" Draco says. "I guess we will" Juniper nods. "I don't even know who to root for" Summer chimes in. "Your best friend" Juniper says, looking over at her in disbelief. "You're both my best friends" Summer points out. "Yeah but I'm more of your best friend than him" Juniper brings up.

"Lucas, you're going to wear Slytherin's colors for me tomorrow, right?" Draco questions, looking over at Lucas. "I don't know Drac. June is my sister" Lucas says. "Yeah, and I'm your best friend" Draco says. Lucas shrugs. "How about you root for me and Summer roots for June" Draco suggests. "Alright, may the best team win" Juniper grins, giving Summer a high-five.


The Gryffindor team sat around the long table, not talking to each other, preparing themselves for the game while they ate. They were all worried about the game. They knew they needed to beat the Slytherin team. No one has been able to with quidditch. The Gryffindors needed to show the other teams that Slytherin wasn't that bad of a team to face.

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