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"Did you hear about that first year Gryffindor?" Lucas brings up as Juniper, Summer and Lucas walks through the corridors. "No, what happened?" Summer wonders. Lucas looks around before leaning closer. "Apparently, some of the professors found a Gryffindor by the name of Colin Creevey frozen in shock. He's in the hospital wing as we speak" Lucas informs the two.

"How did you find this out?" Summer asks curiously. "Draco" He shrugs and the two nod. Speak of the devil, Draco suddenly appears, his familiar smirk on his face. "Can you believe this? Someone's finally doing this school a favor and getting rid of all these Mudbloods" Juniper growls in annoyance and Summer quickly grabs her arm, holding her back.

"Drac, please. We don't want you two in another fight" Summer scolds and Draco shrugs. "You know, people are gonna start to think you're the heir of Slytherin if you keep acting all excited" Lucas points out. "Like I care. I want people to fear me" Draco scoffs, pumping out his chest. The four walk down the halls, passing by a group talking excitedly about their Christmas plans which was coming up very quickly.

"Are you all going home for Christmas?" Summer brings up, looking at the other three. "My father's busy this Christmas so he wants me to stay here" Draco sighs. "I'm going back" Lucas nods. The three look over at Juniper. "The last time we went back for Christmas, bad things happened. So, I think I'll stay here" Juniper shrugs. "Are you sure? They might be upset" Lucas brings up.

"Like they care what I do" Juniper scoffs and the three nod in agreement. They only ever cared if it had anything to do with their reputations. "Well, I'm going back as well" Summer says. "I guess it's just you and me, June" Draco smirks and Juniper rolls her eyes. "Someone please kill me now" She grumbles jokingly and the other two chuckle as Draco sends her a glare.


Draco and Juniper sit in their second potions class of the day as they worked on a Swelling Solution potion. Juniper seemed to be getting the hang of it, her potion looking great. Snape didn't seem to think so, but then again that might just be because she was apart of Gryffindor. Draco, on the other hand, was too busy flicking puffer-fish eyes at Harry and Ron to even care whether Snape complimented him or not, because Draco was Snape's favorite so he knew he'd get complimented anyways.

At one point, while everyone's working, they hear a splash come from Goyle's cauldron and it explodes, sending Swelling Solution all over the place. Juniper manages to duck just in time and she doesn't get hit but Draco on the other hand, his nose was swelling pretty quickly.

Goyle covers his eyes with his hands, his hands growing bigger by the second as Juniper glanced around where people all over were freaking out, different limbs swelling thanks to the potion. She glances over and notices Hermione nowhere in sight and Harry trying to keep himself from laughing at how amusing this seemed to him. Something was definitely going on around here and it had something to do with the infamous Gryffindor trio.

"Silence! SILENCE!" Snape bellowed, trying to calm the shrieking students. Juniper stifled her laughter as she looked over at Draco, who's head was falling forward thanks to his big nose. "You okay there, Pinocchio?" She jokes. Draco manages to lift his head up, sending her a glare. "I'm gonna kill you" He says, his voice sounding incredibly stuffy from his nose. "Whatever" She giggles. "Anyone who has been splashed, come here for a Deflating Draught-when I find out who did this" Snape starts to growls out as students rush over to him, wanting to get their limbs back to normal size.

Juniper notices Hermione come back in, hiding something in her robes and her eyes narrow suspiciously. They were definitely up to something. Snape strides over to Goyle's cauldron and pulls out the remains of a Filibuster firework. One Juniper recognized as Fred's. They've used some, various times for pranks. He holds it up, looking around at everyone, his eyes landing on Harry.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now