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The first Gryffindor quidditch match was coming up and Juniper couldn't wait to start playing again. The only problem was, the weather wasn't looking to be in their favor. And thanks to all this Sirius Black stuff going on, Madam Hooch had to oversee their trainings to make sure nothing happened to Harry which meant they had to work harder.

After one practice, Juniper visits Remus who was packing a few things. "Remmy" She greets. "I figured you'd give me a visit." He looks over her appearance, still dressed in her quidditch robes, broom stick in hand, wet from the rain. "How's the Gryffindor team going?" He wonders. "I think we have a fair shot Saturday." She says confidently.

"That's good to hear." He smiles. "Do you think you'll be able to make it?" She wonders. "I'm not sure" He frowns. "That's okay, I guess. You'll have another chance to see me in action. We don't want anything to happen anyways" She waves him off and he nods, a small smile on his face.

"I should have everything ready for my little 'trip'. I won't be in class on Friday, as you know. Professor Snape will be talking over for me" Remus informs her. "What? Why do you want to torture us like this? You couldn't have gotten anyone else?" She complains. "I know you all aren't fans of him" "That's an understatement" She mutters. "But, he's the one with the most knowledge when it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Besides me, of course." Remus explains, tucking the bag under his desk.

"What about Dumbledore?" Juniper asks and Remus lets out a little laugh. "As fun as that sounds, I'm sure the headmaster has other things on his mind besides teaching my classes for me just so you don't have to deal with Snape" "It was worth a shot" She shrugs with a sigh, plopping down in the chair across from him. "Now that you're here though, I think it would be best if we had a little talk" He points his wand at his Kettle, beginning to make some tea.

"...Talk?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, talk." "About?" "What do you think I want to talk about?" She wracks her brain, trying to figure out what he wants to talk about as he pours the two some tea, setting a cup in front of her. "Expectations for class?" She asks confused. "That could be a start I guess" He takes a sip of his tea. "Snape tells me I need to keep you under control. Says you and Miss Granger like to undermine him?"

"You mean save Neville from embarrassment after Snape continuously harasses him. Sure, undermine" She nods. "All I'm saying is, Snape is doing me a favor by helping me with class. Maybe try and back off a little" Remus pleads. "I'll try my best" She sighs. "Thank you" Remus smiles appreciatively. She plays with her ring as Remus looks it over. "You do like the present I got you, don't you?" He asks hopefully.

"It's one of the best I've ever gotten" Juniper smiles up at him. "One of?" "I would say the best, but I don't want you to get a bigger head than you've already got" She smirks and he rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "Tell me then, who is it that you got you a better present then I did?" He wonders, leaning forward.

"I have to admit, your present was clever, Remmy. The moonstone" She smiles. "Thank you" He does a little bow. She doesn't say anything. "But..." He tries to urge her. "I don't want to hurt your feelings" She denies. "My feelings won't be hurt. I'll just know how to one-up your best present-giver next time" He assures her. She plays with her fingers. "Is it that book I always see you carrying around?" He brings up.

"Book?" "The creature book. I know how you are with animals" He adds. "It could be" She shrugs, trying to act nonchalant. "Understandable. The person who gave it to you must really know you well, then. Maybe too well" He takes another sip of his tea. Juniper doesn't say anything. "Maybe someone like, I don't see him as much of a gift-giver. Maybe one of your closer friends like Miss Myrtle, or your brother...though I don't see them giving you books as presents" Juniper still doesn't say anything, busying herself with drinking her tea.

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