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Juniper had gotten some sleep, but not as much as Summer was wishing for. Juniper gasped awake, having been awoken by someone tapping on her shoulder.

She blearily rubs at her eyes to see Olivia Lovegood smiling down at her. "Oh, hi, Liv" Juniper greets, slowly sitting up. "Sorry to bother you but you seemed quite stressed in your dream so I thought I'd wake you. Dreams are supposed to be good and freeing, not terrifying" Olivia explains.

"Uh, thanks" Juniper checks the time. Still an hour to go until showtime. Olivia takes a seat beside Juniper, smiling. "We haven't talked in a bit, you know." Olivia points out.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. What with the tournament and all-" Juniper starts apologizing but Olivia waves her off. "It's all right, really. I was just coming to check on you. Ready for later?" Olivia wonders but Juniper frowns.

"Not really, no, but, I'm gonna try my best" Juniper sighs out. "It's just a dragon. How hard could it be?" Olivia flips open a book, Juniper turning to give her a look. "How do you-" "Hagrid showed Luna and I. Quite a sight" Olivia smiles at the thought.

"Yeah, well, did you see how giant and angry they are?" Juniper points out, crossing her arms grumpily. "They're not that bad, June. They're misunderstood creatures." Olivia informs her.

"So I've heard..." Juniper sighs out. "If nothing else works, I'd suggest to try and understand them" Olivia adds as an afterthought. "What?" Juniper asks, confused by what she said. Olivia shrugs, not sure she has to elaborate any further and Juniper decides not to push further, standing. 

She points her wand at the fire in the fireplace and does her water spell, resulting in it extinguishing the flames, Olivia glancing at her with a smile. Just then, Summer appears, raising an eyebrow at the scene. "Please tell me you got sleep" Summer begs and Juniper nods.

"Loads. I'm good to go" Juniper assures her and Summer smiles. "Let's go get you something to eat then" Summer sends a wave to Olivia before ushering Juniper out the door.


Juniper sits, eating lunch with her quartet, well, trying to, the Great Hall filled with bustle and noise, everyone excited for the first task. She had already been bothered by multiple different people, whether they were wishing her luck or telling her they hoped the dragon singed her face. 

Fred and George had given her a bottle of butterbeer they snuck in, hoping one of her favorite treats might get her in the mood but it sat in her robe pocket untouched. Pansy kept mocking her every few seconds, her and her little group laughing like hyenas making her want to give them something to laugh about but Summer kept telling her to ignore them.

One glance at Harry let Juniper know she wasn't the only one feeling so anxious. The boy was much paler than usual and could barely eat his own plate of food, Hermione and Ginny talking to him, though it seemed to be falling on deaf ears.

And then, it happens. Professor McGonagall starts approaching her grimly, half of the Great Hall watching at this point. Before McGonagall even makes it to her, she already stood, a bundle of nerves, hyena laughs filling her ears from the Slytherin table again.

"Rosewood, the champions have to come down into the grounds now...you have to get ready for your first task" McGonagall informs her and Juniper gives a slight nod in understanding, McGonagall moving to go fetch Harry as well as Juniper turns to her friends. 

Summer quickly pulls Juniper into a hug. "Good luck, June. Remember what I said" Summer whispers and Juniper nods, patting her back. "Don't lose" Draco smirks and Juniper rolls her eyes, chuckling. "I won't" She winks. "Show em what Rosewoods are made of, June" Lucas pulls her into a side hug as McGonagall and Harry approach. 

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now