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    The day had finally come. September first. The Rosewood family runs through the wall into platform nine and three quarters with their trunks. They walk closer to the train as their parents start listing off things, making sure they have everything they need. "And you did bring your wands too?" Mrs. Rosewood asks. "Yes mother" Lucas nods. "Yeah" Juniper nods as well. "Not 'yeah'. You say 'yes'" Mrs. Rosewood corrects. "Sorry mother. Yes" Juniper tells her, looking down at the ground. "Now I better hear good news about your houses" Mr. Rosewood warns them, specifically looking at Juniper.

"You will" Lucas nods with a confident smile. "That's my boy" Mr. Rosewood smiles, messing up Lucas' hair. Juniper rolls her eyes at the two. What a suck up. "What house will you be getting in...Juniper?" Her mother asks. "Ravenclaw" Juniper quickly answers without hesitation. "Good girl. Now get on the train and make sure to write to us" Her father says with a smile. They both grab their trunks and Juniper grabs her cat Jasper and they climb on the train.

Juniper walks down the train and enters into one of the empty compartments. She smiles and places her trunk up on the shelf before taking a seat beside the window with Jasper. "Oh Jasper. I just hope I can please my parents and nothing bad will happen" Juniper tells her cat. But that was the thing. Nothing ever goes Juniper's way. So she was basically screwed. Not to mention, the now louder voice in her head telling her she'll get in to a different house. She had a very bad feeling about this sorting.

The compartment door slides open and Summer walks in with her owl Cinnamon. She smiles at Juniper and puts her trunk up on the shelf as well before sitting across from her. "Hey June." She greets making Juniper smile. The smile didn't quite reach her eyes though. "Don't worry. I'm sure you're just worrying too much. You'll get in to Ravenclaw and your parents will be proud." Summer tries to assure her. "I sure hope so" Juniper sighs, staring out the window. The train starts up and they start their journey to Hogwarts.

Sometime during the trip, the compartment door opens revealing a bushy haired girl. She looks around the compartment curiously as Summer and Juniper share a look. They could tell she was a first year like them, but they didn't know what she was doing. "Can we help you?" Summer asks the girl, causing her to finally take notice of the two girls. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize anyone else was in here." She tells them. "We could tell" Juniper mumbles. "I'm Hermione Granger." She introduces herself, walking in further, much to the girls dismay.

"Cool" Summer nods, putting on a fake smile. "Well? What about yours?" She asks the two. "Bessy Ality" Summer lies making Juniper stifle her laughter. When Summer didn't seem to like someone, she would always come up with witty names. This one was technically Bestiality but turned into a name. Hermione though, actually believed her and smiled. "Never heard of it. What about you?" Hermione asks turning to Juniper.

Juniper looks over at Summer who was giving her a look not to tell her. "Ummmm..." She trails off, looking at Summer who was mouthing her a name to use. "Emma Roids" Juniper tells her. Hermione raises an eyebrow, looking between the two girls as they try to keep straight faces. "Well then...if anyone sees a toad please let me know. Neville's looking for it" She says, giving them one last look before walking out.

The two girls look at each other before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "Oh that is great. She totally believed us" Summer breathes doubling over in laughter. "Great names as always" Juniper manages to say, falling off her chair in laughter. The door opens up again and the two girls stop and look up, thinking it's the same girl again. But they sigh a breath of relief when Lucas and Draco walk in with curious looks on their faces.

"What's so funny little sis?" Lucas asks, noticing the two on the ground with red faces. "The funniest thing just happened" Summer tells them, standing up and helping Juniper up. Draco closes the door and takes a seat beside Juniper as Lucas sits beside Summer. "Yeah, this girl asked us our names and we gave her fakes names which she believed" Juniper says with another laugh. "Let me guess. Summer started it?" Lucas asks as him and Draco both smirk. "Of course I did. You know Juniper can't do anything that rude on her own" Summer tells them and the three laugh as Juniper looks at her offended.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن