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    News was being spread around the school like wildfire. All based around Gryffindor's new Seeker and Chaser and Juniper was ecstatic. She was talk of the school and she absolutely loved the attention she was getting. She loved seeing Draco's face full of jealousy. Juniper walks through the halls with a smile plastered on her face as Summer comes running up to her. "A Gryffindor Chaser??" Summer exclaims with her mouth gaping. "Yeah, isn't it great? Draco tried to have some fun and throw around Neville's Remembrall but Harry had caught it and thrown it to me and McGonagall had seen us. We'll start training soon" Juniper smiles with glee.

"Did you forget the part where you're not even supposed to be in Gryffindor?" Summer asks her best friend in disbelief. "Yeah, but it's a Chaser, Summer. You know I've always wanted to be a star Chaser for the quidditch team. It may not be for Ravenclaw but I'm still a Chaser" Juniper reminds her. "Your parents are about to find out you got into their least favorite house and you're already fine with supporting the house by being on the team" Summer shakes her head in disbelief but yet had a smile on her face because of her friend's rebellion ways.

"Has Lucas sent the letter yet?" Juniper asks her. "I'm not sure. I guess you'll find out when the post comes" Summer tells her and she nods with a sigh. "Well, I've got to get to class. I'll talk to you at dinner" Summer says, patting her shoulder and walking off as Juniper watches after her. "Hey, Juniper!" She hears and internally groans at the voice. She puts a fake smile on her face and turns around to where Hermione was standing behind her. "Hello, Hermione" She greets her. "I wanted to just say congratulations on making it to the team. I heard first years have never made it onto the team in like centuries and then you and Harry show up" She smiles. "Surprising right?" Juniper asks her and Hermione nods.

"I also wanted to thank you for the other day. I probably would have ended up in the hospital wing right next to Neville if you hadn't pushed me out of the way. Very brave of you" She smiles. "Well, I didn't want to see anyone getting hurt" Juniper tells her honestly. "I better get going" Hermione tells her before walking off.


    Harry, Oliver and Juniper walk out onto the quidditch pitch after dinner, carrying a big chest, prepared to do a little quidditch lesson. Juniper didn't really think she needed it though. "Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. Three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper and a Seeker, That's you Harry". Wood had a Beater bat in his hand he had borrowed from one of the Weasley twins. They set the chest full of quidditch stuff down and Wood unlocks it as Juniper and Harry watch him. He picks up the ball in the middle which Juniper knew as a Quaffle. But of course Oliver didn't know she knew how to play. He was just trying to teach his new players so they could win.

"There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the Quaffle." Oliver explains, letting the two first years touch it. "Now the Chasers, that's you Juniper, handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops." Oliver explains pointing towards one side where three hoops sat, looking over the quidditch pitch. "The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far?" Wood asks the two. Juniper nods at him.

"I think so. But, what are those?" Harry asks him, tossing him the Quaffle. He looks back into the chest where the Bludgers were moving all about, trying to get out of the chains holding them down. Oliver grabs the bat and looks between the two. "Which one of you wants to try?" He asks the two of them. Juniper and Harry look at each other. "Harry can" Juniper tells him and he nods, handing it to Harry, as Harry gives her a smile of appreciation.

Oliver unlatches the Bludger and the thing shoots straight up into the air as the three follow it with their eyes. It starts coming back down as they continue to look up. "Careful now, it's coming back." Oliver warns Harry, moving himself and Juniper away from Harry. Harry swings the bat once it's close enough and it flies through the air while Oliver smiles at him. "Not bad, Potter. Let's give Juniper a turn" Wood says and Harry hands Juniper the bat. It starts coming back towards the three and before it can hit Oliver, Juniper swings the bat, sending it flying back the way it came as Oliver nods. "You'd both make fair Beaters" He tells them, making them both smile.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now