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Juniper has been avoiding Hermione like the plague. It's been working so far, considering the two haven't talked in months. Every glimpse Juniper sees of the bushy-haired brunette, she's turning the other direction. She always makes sure to go to bed before Hermione can even get up to the room. She even convinced Neville to switch seats with her so Hermione doesn't try talking to her. And it doesn't seem like Hermione's been trying to talk to her anyways.

It does kind of hurt though, knowing she put thought and emotion into that letter and Hermione hasn't even tried to talk about it with her, but then again, Juniper was the one going out of her way to avoid Hermione so it was really her fault, not Hermione's. She was also trying to avoid the twins, but that, didn't seem to be going as planned, thanks to the multiple Quidditch practices Wood makes them go through. It didn't help that every time they saw her, they'd start singing her letter to her. She clenches her jaw just thinking about it.

The quartet sit in the library, looking over subjects they want to take next year. Juniper knew for sure, she wanted to take 'Care of Magical Creatures'. She loves anything to do with animals. That's why she has Jasper. Ever since she got him and she learned her Godfather's secret, she's been obsessed with learning every type of species there is to know about. Summer was leaning more towards 'Study of Ancient Runes' and she knew the elective would make her parents happy as well considering they both took and excelled in the class.

Lucas picked whatever Summer did, which caused Draco and Juniper to give each other curious looks, wondering why the two were closer than usual. They figured it might have something to do with being in the same house and all but something was definitely different. Draco claimed he wanted to take Divination because he heard the teacher was full of rubbish and wanted to see it for himself. He decided to take 'Care of Magical Creatures' with Juniper as well because he didn't know what else to take and the only other one to take besides 'Study of Ancient Runes' was Muggle Studies and everyone knew what Draco thought of them.

Juniper secretly wanted to take the class actually, but she knew her parents would kill her. Literally. No messing around. They'd Avada Kedavra her ass before she could even explain why she took the class in the first place. So, she took Divination like the other three. As they're picking their classes, she can't help but to glance over at the Golden Trio who were also discussing what classes they wanted to take. She was wondering what Hermione was taking.

Even if she was avoiding her, she meant what she said in the poem. She did want to be friends with Hermione. After actually getting to know the girl a little more, she realized she wasn't as bad and annoying as she first thought. She just didn't want it read out loud of course. Hermione glances up and their eyes connect, causing her to quickly look back down and duck a little.

The other three notice, raising eyebrows at her before realizing what was up. Draco rolls his eyes as Summer frowns and Lucas chuckles. "You should just go up and talk to her, June. It won't hurt to talk it over" Summer tells her. "I can't. Not right now" Juniper denies. She peaks over and sees Hermione busy filling out her classes and sighs. She'd do it another time.


Juniper basically already knew this from the beginning, but everything just seemed to be falling into place. Oliver Wood was obsessed with Quidditch. He eats, sleeps and breathes the sport. Juniper can hardly get a goodnight sleep without having to worry about getting up to go to practice Quidditch. Luckily, it wasn't as rainy as it had been. It's been clearing up lately.

But that still didn't make up for the fact that the team is practicing everyday at any hour they can. Every time someone would complain, he'd remind them of the Quidditch Cup and how important it was and blah blah blah (Juniper heard it enough times to just remember the important stuff). They had a match against Hufflepuff coming up and as much as she hated all the practices, she felt they had a pretty good chance at beating them.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum