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"This is the last time, Starscream! I am finished with you for good!" Megatron roared at the top of his vocalizer, hurling the Seeker across his massive throne room. Starscream landed with a loud yelp, skidding in a screech of metal across the jet black floor of the Nemesis.

"Master, please! I only-"

Megatron rammed his pede into the Seeker's jaw, sending him reeling into a wall. One wing snapped with a nasty crack and hung at a grotesque angle on Starscream's back. His optics dulled slightly, his cry of agony cut short as another blow was delivered. He tumbled across the floor once more and landed at the foot of the throne.

Starscream had always fought to stay alive when he was being mauled by the silver warlord, taking the hits but telling himself he would get revenge, that one day he would be the mech sitting so handsomely on that throne...but this time he had no fight left. He was broken in all the ways one could break and he was indeed finished. Not bothering to say anything more to the mech he once loved so dearly, the Seeker shuttered his optics and waited for the next bought of pain.

"Scream for me, you little wretch! Little traitor!" Megatron bellowed, crushing Starscream's legs under one heavy pede.

Starscream screamed, clawing feebly at the larger mech to release him. Megatron just grinned, his sharp dentas all the more evil in the dim light of the room. He grabbed Starscream by his shoulder plating and threw him like a sparkling's toy into the sharp arms of the throne. Starscream watched in horror as one of the arms speared him through his back, the tip protruding from his side.

'I think I have had enough.' Starscream thought, optics dulling a huge deal as he allowed himself to give up.

Megatron tore him off the throne and dropped him on the floor, grinning maliciously. He had not noticed the Seeker's struggles had ceased or that his optic shutters were eerily open.

"So quiet, Starscream!" Megatron laughed, picking up his former Second in Command. "Why don't you beg and perhaps I will spare y-Starscream?"

Megatron knew he had gone too far this time. Starscream was unresponsive, limp and broken like the beaten creature he was. His optics were a dull crimson now, opened wide but seeing nothing. Megatron quickly set him down and opened his chest plating to see Starscream's spark energy was gone. He was gone.

"I never meant to..." the warlord said softly, his anger dissipating in a sparkbeat as he closed Starscream's spark chamber.

Megatron commed Knockout to get to his room as quickly as he could. A klick later the red medic was kneeling beside Starscream looking grim. Megatron waited, silent and unemotional as ever as the medic stood and shook his helm.

"He's gone, my Lord." Knockout said, picking up Starscream's lifeless form. "Would you like me to incinerate him or throw him from the ship? I would think that would be the best option for a traitor." Knockout offered, not even having bothered to shutter the mech's optics in respect.

"Leave him here with me." Megatron growled, Knockout quickly dropping Starscream's mangled body.

"As you wish, my liege." he said, turning to go. "I applaud you for finally disposing of the backstabber. He won't be missed!" the sports car laughed, trotting out of the throne room.

Megatron bent down and picked Starscream back up, holding him for a moment. One clawed servo held his former Second in Command's helm, realizing just how fragile Starscream had really been. He had needed Megatron for protection and all he had gotten was this. For once wishing he could have a second chance, the warlord placed Starscream on the throne. It was what he always wanted to do, after all.

Megatron wouldn't allow himself to come to any more emotions and turned his back on the silent dead, making his way to one of the windows. He gazed out, ignoring the reflection in the glass only because there were silent tears rolling down his faceplate.


Starscream had never thought anyone would love him, but there had always been someone who cared. And to think it was Primus himself! The Seeker had found himself in a glorious world of shimmering silver and white light, his home of Vos in a true age of beauty.


Starscream turned to see Breakdown come lumbering over with open arms. They embraced, smiling widely at one another. They had never been partners, but they had been friends.

"So, his do you like it here? Pretty nice, isn't it?" Breakdown chuckled, waving to Cliffjumper as the former Autobot walked by, heading into one of the tall buildings.

"Where am I, exactly?" Starscream asked, wings flicking nervously as he looked around.

"You're with Primus! We're all dead, Starscream." Breakdown chuckled, knowing it might be a little hard for the Seeker to grasp. "I don't know where Dreadwing and Skyquake ran off to, but I'm sure we can find them!" Breakdown said cheerfully, motioning for Starscream to follow.

"I-I can't move!" Starscream yelped, trying his hardest to pick up his pede. Breakdown frowned, seeing the form of the Seeker shimmering as he began to fade.

"Looks like you got a second chance! I guess Primus wanted you back in your body!" Breakdown said, waving to Starscream. "See you when you come back! Have a good time, buddy! Tell Knockout I miss him!"

"What?! No! I want to stay here!" Starscream wailed, trying his hardest to stay in the world of the dead. "I don't want to go back!"


Starscream had no idea why he was on Megatron's throne, his entire body aching with terrible pain. He shifted slightly, feeling weak but alive. Primus must be wanting to punish him for his sins by sending him back into the clutches of Megatron...

"Starscream?" Megatron asked, spotting the Seeker's slightly brighter optics.

Starscream could do nothing as he was picked up and looked over by the warlord. Megatron's optics held some form of concern in them, but also fury. How dare his Second die?! He was supposed to be strong, wasn't he?! Starscream flinched when Megatron's lip curled in a snarl.

Starscream was carried to med bay where a truly shocked Knockout stood. "How did he come back? He was dead!"

"Repair him!" Megatron ordered aggressively before turning and storming out of the room. Starscream groaned, his broken wing flaring with pain when he tried to move.

"Breakdown...told me he" he managed to croak, his vocalizer hoarse from so much screaming earlier. Knockout stiffened, his optics welling up with tears.

"Is he okay?" he asked, voice sounding choked as he gathered his tools. Starscream smiled slightly.

"He's very happy." he assured, glad to see Knockout's faceplate cheer up a little. "He's made a lot of friends."

"That's my Breakdown." Knockout purred proudly, standing up tall. "Now hold still...this will only pinch for a minute..."

Starscream didn't have the energy to care as he was injected with sedative, his already sluggish systems slowing further as he went into a forced stasis. Knockout began his work, skillfully repairing buckled metal plating and severed wires and cabling. To be a medic was truly and art.

Humming softly as he worked, Knockout imagined Breakdown the entire time, his own mind at peace for now. As long as his mate was happy, that was all that really mattered. He finished mending the deep gash in Starscream's side before he moved on to the Seeker's broken legs. He worked as fast as he could, knowing how the mech wasn't a good patient.

'Primus, how can you do it, Starscream?' Knockout thought, gently patting the groggy Seeker on his shoulder plating. 'He hurts you so badly and you still remain...'

Starscream curled up slightly on the berth when he could, unaware of everything for a moment. He dreamt of the Well of Allsparks and longed with all his being to be back where no one could hurt him any more.

My Greatest Mistake {Transformers Story}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu