Chapter Sixteen !

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Lamar POV : 

        The next day Nhazir called me early in the morning telling me to get up and get ready because he wanted to take me shopping for the Halloween hangout that was coming up, which I had completely forgotten about. I groaned getting out of bed and had a quick shower and walked into my closet pulling out some dark skinny jeans and a white ralph lauren shirt with my red and white 3s. Once I dressed and all that I tried to started on my hair . I seriously needed the Barbershop from back home to hook me up. So instead of combing it I just threw on Nhazir’ red and yellow supreme beanie. I know he was gonna curse me out because he had been looking for it for the longest and all this time I had it, but oh well, sharing is caring right. Once I was fully dressed my dad came knocking on my door, at first it startled me because I thought he wasn’t home as usual.

“Yeah dad?” I said putting the last finishing touches to my outfit

“Lamar I need to talk- Oh where you going?” he asked sitting down on my bed looking at me

“I’m going to the mall with a friend” I replied walking back into my closet and pulling out a grey cardigan. I didn’t wanna tell my dad Nhazir was my boyfriend because I knew how he would be, calling every 5 minutes to talk to him and just generally being annoying.

“Oh well have I met this friend?” he asked sternly

“Well, have you been at home to meet this friend?” I fired back at him. No reply “Yeah that’s what I thought dad.”

“Well Lamar I wanna meet this friend of yours, especially since you’ve been hanging out with him a lot recently I wanna make sure he’s responsible enough” he replied back looking at me. Oh so now he wants to be a parent. How funny

“Yeah, whatever dad. What did you want?” I said getting annoyed a little.

“Oh yeah, don’t worry about it I’ll tell you another time, when you aren’t on your way out” he said getting up from the bed. “What time will your friend be here?” he asked walking towards the door.

“His names Nhazir dad, and he’ll be here soon.”

“Ok, well when Nhazir gets here call me. I’ll be in my office.”

“Yeah whatever” I mumbled

“Make sure Lamar!” he said back sternly

“YES OK” I yelled wanting him to hurry up and get out, he’s so annoying. He left out the room and walked back downstairs leaving my door wide open, I smacked my lips and quickly slammed it shut then grabbed my phone dialling Nhazir’ number. After the 3rd ring he picked up in the background it sounded like he was on the freeway.

 “I’m on my way now babe you ready?” he asked before I could even say hello

“Yeah, I’m ready BUT my dad wants to meet you”

“Oh shit. For real?”

“Yeah, I aint tell him you was my boyfriend though because then he wouldn’t let me out with you and he’ll lecture me and all that shit I aint ready to here.” I explained hoping he understood.

“Oh yeah I understand, well Erm, I’m about 5 minutes away from you I just got off the freeway so come meet me outside now ite.”

“Aiight,” I said hanging up the phone heading downstairs and out the door. I sat down on the porch patiently waiting for Nhazir to hurry up and come.

Nhazir Pov :

        Once I pulled into Lamar’s driveway I started getting all nervous and shit, id never had to meet anyone’s parent before other than Jennifer’s and her dad HATED me the moment he laid eyes on me up to this day I didn’t know why, all Jen said was he’s just like that and I excepted it to be honest I didn’t really care if he didn’t like me, but with Lamar it was different, I wanted his dad to like me because there was something about him  that drew me in more than any other person I ever dated. Even though Lamar never really spoke about his dad to me I knew what he said did matter to him no matter how hard he tried to act like he didn’t care and Lamar needed his dad .

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