Chapter One !

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Picture of Lamar in the MM!

Lamar POV :

"Lamar come on cheer up" my dad said as I slouched down in my seat on the airplane, how the hell could he expect me to 'cheer up' when he was dragging me away from everything I knew , everybody I loved , all so that he could follow his 'dreams' . FUCK his dreams; I hated his dreams . I hated
him . This was so typical of my dad , always thought about himself but tried to play it off as if he cared about me , as if he was thinking about my future and well being when I actual fact all he cared about was his money . Selfishness, greed was just a few words to sum up the 'infamous' Mark Jones .

"Stop talking to me dad" I replied as I pulled my Beats onto my head, adjusting myself in my seat and stared out of the window at the ground watching as it gradually got smaller and smaller. Drowning out any sound from around me I turned my music up on full blast listening to Teyana Taylor Ft. Chris Brown - Do Not Disturb slowly drifting off to sleep hoping that I would wake up and this would all be a dream.

(6 hours later )

"Dad you cannot be serious right now! Are you serious?!" I screamed as we pulled up into the drive way of the house we were now going to be calling home. I couldn't believe my eyes at all. "Yes mar mar ( my nickname ), this is all us, welcome home" he said with a big grin on his face as the cab we had been previously driving in came to a halt. "Yo this is crazy! There's like 7 houses per block here! You sure we in Calabasas?" I laughed stared out the window just admiring my scenery. I actually couldn't believe this was it. This was home. As much as I hated the thought of leaving New York and coming out here, the thought of leaving everything and everybody I knew back home, if this was just the beginning of my life in Los Angles, I could damn sure get use to this.

"Damn it's hot out here" I said as I pulled off the pIaid long sleeve shirt had been wearing and wrapped it around my waist.

"Welcome to California son We aint in New York no more, you won't be needing these shirts out here" my dad replied as he slipped the cab guy a $100 bill and replying keep the change its 'nothing' as he hoped out the cab heading towards the trunk. Typical, I thought as the cab guy looked back at me to see if my dad was really serious about 'keeping the change'. "At least you don't have to live with him" I mumbled as I grabbed my red louis vuitton carry on and hoped out of the car walking up the drive way to the porch stairs. Leaving my dad to carry the rest of the bags up. As I opened the door to our new 'home' a sudden rush of sadness waved over me. Don't get me wrong the house was absolutely beautiful a dream in fact, but I just wished my mom was here to enjoy it with us. You see my mom died when I was 13 years old in a car crash and I've always felt guilty for it as she was on her way to MY stupid soccer game when she died. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was so heated and at her for not showing up and I vowed that I would never speak to her again for it. Little did I know I would actually never get the chance to speak to her again?

"Lamar are you going to stand at that door staring into space all day or are you gona go check out your rooms?"My dad asked as he gently pushed my back towards the stairs. "Wait what? Rooms? What do you mean room's dad?" I asked completely confused as to what he meant. "Well yeah I figured since this is a 6 bedroom 4 bathroom house, and its only the 2 of us, you might as well have the two conjoining rooms at the top of the house and I'll take the bedroom down stairs. You know u could make one your bedroom and the other one your study or something I dunno" he laughed.

"Dad, don't you think this is a little much? I mean this shit, I mean stuff is crazy!"

"What have I told you about questioning me? I told you before I've got this! Now you better take your behind up stairs and to those rooms before I change my mind, make u sleep out in the shed" my dad replied while trying to withhold the straightest face possible but miserably failing.

That's not even funny .

I swatted myself up the stairs and opened the 1st door to my conjoint rooms. As I walked further into the room, I could not believe what I saw. I don't care this shit was not real! The room was perfect everything I had back home in my room in New York had been placed into my new room. Including the 'I love BROOKLYN' banner me and my Best friend Mia had made in the 9th grade which my dad always thought was 'ghetto as hell'. All the pictures that I had thought had gotten lost during the move were made into a collage on my wall taking up half of the light blue coated wall on the right of the door. The small double bed I once had, had been switched into a King sized bed with white frames on either side with the words 'Yep fit for a king' printed in bold on the light blue bed sheets. Although I was no longer home the room made me feel as if I was back in my old room, I slumped my ass onto the bed looking around just wondering how exactly my dad had gotten all the stuff I once had before into the room without me knowing. I smiled as I looked around probably the first genuine smile since I landed here. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad.

After i got settled in my dad told me I should get some rest because tomorrow I had an early start; it was going to be my 1st day at my new school 'Calabasas High'. And boy was I not ready for it.

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