Chapter Twenty-Seven !

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Lamar POV :

"Yeah I know," he mumbled before taking my hand and holding it in his. He licked his lips quickly and scanned over my face tryna figure out my expression but it stayed emotionless. I continued to stare at him blankly, when he began talking he let the words free flow out his mouth

"Look first of all, Let me just start by saying that I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. Just the other day I was telling you that I was falling in love with you and we're already falling out. I mean, damn ma, I wasn't expecting us to get like this, not ever. When Cass was tripping about me spending all my time with you I was tripping because I was still doing my job and doing it well while I was with you. I mean, I even left you at the movies for this nigga and he was still bugging. So he told me that the only way he would let up off of my back was if I proved to him that you were loyal and that you wouldn't run your mouth if worse came to worse..." He quickly licked his lips and I continued to stare at him.

"And so I told him yeah I would do it, I mean, I was confident that you wouldn't say shit so I went through with it. He told me that all they would do is try to scare you a little, just to see if you would talk and that's it. And well, I didn't know that they were like grabbing on you and manhandling you until I got in the back of the ambulance with you and you flipped out. I mean, I was pissed as fuck because I would never give any nigga the right to put his hands on you. Shit, I wouldn't even think about putting my hands on you, well like that anyway..." I laughed a little and he smiled "And I told Cass that I wasn't going to work for him until you forgave me and even then I would have to chill out on my jobs because he was fucking up my time with you. Lamar, I- I've never liked a boy as much as I like you, or started liking a boy as quick as I started liking you" He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "I can't even put it in words how I feel about you. My mom was asking me about you and she was laughing because I couldn't stop smiling. Then, man, I turn red and shit when somebody asks me about you and it takes a lot for me to start blushing just because somebody brought up a boy and I don't want to fuck up what I have with you over some outside nigga. If you really want me to stop doing what I'm doing and quit, and as much as I'd hate to get a real job, I will for you but I can't let another person that I love slip away so easily. I can't do it again..."
I frowned a little and looked at him, "That you love?" I asked he kissed my hand then looked down and I said "See Nhazir, I don't think you can possibly love me."

"Why not? Because of how long I've known you?" he questioned, I shook my head no

"No, simply because if you loved me you wouldn't have did what you did, you wouldn't need to prove to anyone anything, I mean that shit you did was cold as fuck yo."

"I know that, and that's why I'm pissed at myself for doing that to you in the first place. I even told my mom what I did and I NEVER tell my mom about shit dealing with Cass because she knows how I got caught up working for him when I was younger and got caught selling back at some party for him..." He rubbed my hand "Lamar I just, I don't want you to just cut me out of your life so soon. I mean, just please give me this one chance and I will prove to you that I aint tryna hurt you"

"I'm scared though" I admitted, I was, I just felt like I couldn't trust anything he said anymore.

"Scared of what?" he questioned raising his brow at me. I took a deep breath then looked down at our hands intertwined, "I'm Scared at the fact that you can sit up here and lie to me with a straight face Nhazir" I said, he looked at me with confusion in his face,

"What are you talking about Lamar? I'm not lying to you"

"No, I'm talking about in the car. I believed every word that you said, and I'm scared that I won't ever be able to tell the difference between your lies and when you're telling the truth." I explained looking down.

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