Chapter Two ( Part 2 ) !

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Nhazir in the MM!

Lamar POV :

"So Lamar, since your new to this class I'm going to sit you next to my star student..." He says trailing of while scanning the room once over to look for his 'star student' "Ah, there he is,you can take a seat right over there next Nhazir, Nhazir raise your hand" .

Nahzir raised his hand and looked up at me once again with that stupid blank look on his face. Great! I thought more time to spend with this 'oh so fun' guy Nhaz. I sigh and drag my feet over to his desk and plonk down in my seat. As I look up from the desk I notice everybody staring down at my shoes.

"What?" I asked with a slight attitude, people were acting like they never seen a boy in a pair of J's before. Everybody quickly turned their heads back around and I focused back on what the teacher had written on the board .

About 30 minutes into the class I could feel myself becoming bored and started to draw random shit on the back of my pad. Everything the teacher was teaching the class I had already learned in back home in New York so to be honest this class was pointless to me.

"So you like to rock J's too I see" the boy sitting on the opposite side of me says, honestly I never even noticed him sitting next to me all this time, just as I was about to reply with a smart remark like "duh what it look like?" but something in me decided to be nice to him and so replied with a simple "yeah" and a smile.

"Ah, that's dope, most boys out here don't dress like that, you know J's and shit"

"Yeah I guess," I mumbled. Honestly I was trying to be nice as possible but I didn't know what else to say, this conversation got boring quick.

"So were you from? Cause I know you aint from round here dressed like that .

"Dressed like that? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I asked this time out loud.

"No, no not in a rude way or anything I mean you look nice an all but boys out here don't really do the whole 'jordan' swag if ya feel me, so I know you aint from round these parts" he quickly corrected himself.

"Oh ok, well I'm from New York."

"Oh iteeeee shorty" he mocked putting on his best New York accent, I just laugh at him " Yo we do not sound like dat, good try though." He laughed and I smiled at him just then a girl sitting next to him turned around to face him looking irritated.

"Isaiah!" she yelled with the ugliest mug placed upon her face

"What Naomi?" he replied turning around to face her

"Get off his shit" she continued, glaring over at me

"Fuck I was just talking to him, damn girl." Just as she is about to replied back to him the teacher interrupts and asks him to step outside. "Man see what you done did now" he mumbled to her while picking up his things " I'll See you around Lamar" he said while leaving out through the door. I chucked him the deuces and turned around to focus back on my drawing. As I'm drawing I could feel someone staring the fuck outta me, I looked up to see what the person wants, and to my surprise it was this same 'Naomi' chick.

"He's mine!" she stated while turning back around in her seat.

"That's nice" I mumbled while continuing with my drawing.Is she that insecure that she thinks that a boy will steal her boyfriend . From the corner of my eye i could see Nhazir laughing a little i smiled a little adding the finishing touches to my drawing.

Finally the bell rings and I must've been the only one who didn't know what time the bell rung, because everybody was out the class before it even stopped ringing.

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