Chapter Twenty-Four !

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Lamar POV :

The next morning I woke up with a crazy headache, I guess it was from all the crying in was dong last night. I don't think I've cried so much since my mom died, I hated crying more than anything. It was a sign of weakness and vulnerability the two things I'm not but yesterday. I dunno it just all came flooding out, I soon came to realize I wasn't crying because of what he actually did. I didn't care about that tbh I was crying over the fact that he lied to me. He lied when he told me trusted me, he obviously didn't really because if you trust someone you don't need to do anything for anyone to prove you trust them right? That's what hurt the fact that I believed he trusted me when deep down he didn't. He couldn't have.

Once I finally could get up and out of my bed I walked into my bathroom to do the usual. Checked the mirror thinking I would crazy as hell . See I didn't even get to enjoy my haircut because of Nhazir' bitch ass. That reminded me, I needed to call Aaron later on, perhaps I'd go chill with him today and get his perspective of this situation because I know she would keep it 100 with me. I wasn't about to call Mia and tell her because knowing her she'd just want to fight. Probably get me to give her Nhazir number to curse him out.

After my talk with Khalil I felt much better. I didn't tell him exactly what happened because even though Nhazir hurt me that was our business and I didn't wanna hear Khalil bad mouth him to be honest. I didn't wanna hear anyone bad mouth him except me; I wasn't about to put him out there like he did me. But Khalil did make me feel 100 times better by just talking with me, making me laugh and shit just like old times. I seriously wished he was here though just so I could cry on his shoulder like I always did while he told me it was ok. But he'd be out here in what, 3 months' time. I guess I could wait.

I walked back out of my room and grabbed my phone checking for missed calls and shit. 16 missed calls from Nhazir, 8 messages from him and two missed calls from Isaiah. I rolled my eyes at the fact that Nhazir probably told him to call me and threw my phone back on the bed and walked out making my way downstairs. When I got there I could hear my dad's laugh booming from the kitchen. I looked up at the clock that sat on the little table and it read 11:29 what that's strange seeing as this nigga is never home anymore. I walked into the kitchen and he immediately looked up at me with a smile. He quickly finished up whatever he was saying to whomever on the phone then looked at me. I leaned on the counter grabbing an apple from the bowl staring back at him.

"Why hello stranger. I almost forgot how you looked dad" I said smartly biting into my apple.

He chuckled slightly then looked at me again.

"Nice haircut. When did u get it done?"

"Ah, about 3-4days ago I answered lying a little but I didn't care I want him to feel bad that he's never here. Not even to notice small stuff

"Well it looks handsome on you, he said hoping off the stool and putting his bowl in the sink.                  "So where are you and Nhazir off to today? Because I know y'all gonna be together as usual."

I sighed at him mentioning Nhazir to me. I didn't want to talk about him today.

"Anyway, where have you been dad? I mean your rarely home" I asked changing the subject of me and Nhazir.

"Ah work has been kicking my ass babe. But don't worry after this week everything will be back to normal." he explained

"Mmhmm," I mumbled walking out the kitchen I couldn't be asked to talk to him anymore.

"Oh yeah Lamar?" my dad called


"Next week Friday we're going back to New York. I need to clear up some problem with the old apartment. And pick you up a car seeing as your insurance is out there and your dumb ass uncle completely totalled your car" he explains.

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