Chapter Thirteen ( Part 2 )

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Lamar POV :

Once the bell rung I got up and walked out of the classroom, picking up the note Nhazir had left me and stuffed it in my pocket. I wasn't about to read it now and have him fuck up my day even more with his bullshit. To be honest I wasn't even mad at Nhazir anymore, I was just mad at myself for allowing myself to think things between me and him would be different when we came back to school. It seemed like Nhazir was the type to only show affection when were alone and to be honest I wasn't here for that shit. Either show affection or don't it's that simple.

I slowly walked to my English class not really bothered wether I was late or not, too much was on my mind right now, and as much as I wanted to 'act' like I didn't care about Nhazir, I did he was on the top of my mind. Honestly it felt like even though I liked him and he knew it, something in me told me he didn't really like me, well not like that at least and that he said all those things to me the other day to save face, I dunno maybe I was thinking a little too into it, I was just confused.

When I got to English Isaiah and Jay were sitting on the desk whilst Jay tried to free style to Isaiah's beat I laughed walking over to them and listening, to tell you the truth even though they could never compare to my nigga's back home, they made coming to school worth it. Isaiah started off the song and I can't help but laugh...

"Tatted Like a mexi tatted-tatted like a mexi, (hey) tatted like a mexi (hey) , god damn I think I'm sexy, Cos I'm tatted like a mexi ,Tatted Like a mexi tatted-tatted like a mexi, (hey) tatted like a mexi (hey) , god damn I think I'm sexy..."

That's when Jay decides to add his little freestyle in causing the whole class to erupt in laughter

"Ok I'm, tatted like a mexi don't be trippin of the me I get that, muthafuckin talk and then you see me what you be Oh,Oh. Tatted like a mexi yeah I'm tatted up to my feet No homo that aint on my feet, No homo yeah I'm rippin this beat ah I'm rippin this beat, I'm so so fly I gets to bone street, my voice screeched. "

"Oh my god I swear nigga you stupid." Isaiah laughs trying to catch his breath. I sit there dying of laughter that's when Jay turns around notices me sitting there.

"JUUUUU-MARRRRR" he sings pulling me into a tight hug

"Wassup fool" I laugh pushing him off of me a little

"Ah I see you repping my sweater today" he smiles

"Yeah you already know" I say back to him laughing.

"Anyway where Mrs Malloy at?" I ask looking around for our English teacher.

"Man that bitch aint here" Jay laughs pulling out one of his famous snacks and eating them.

"YO SEAN," Isaiah calls out to the boy that was standing by the window talking to some girl

"What Nigga?" Sean replies back looking over at Isaiah .

"Pull down dem shades bruh"

"Where Mrs Malloy at?" sean asks looking around as I did

"Man that bitch aint here!" Jay Yells answering for Isaiah

"Oh fasho" Sean replies pulling down the shades so that the classroom is dark, the only light shining was that coming from the computer on the far left.

"Aye L where that nigga Nhaz at?" Jay asks putting his feet up on the desk and leaning back

"Man that bitch aint here" I reply back mocking what Jayy had said to me earlier. Him and Isaiah both look at each other then back at me and start laughing. And I throw a small smile both their ways.

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