Chapter Twenty-Six !

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Lamar POV

After seeing Nhazir lead Anthony upstairs, I instantly got sober. I stood where I was for like 10 minutes stuck, wondering if I was seeing things. Aint no way on this earth Nhazir is THAT stupid to go and fuck the bitch while I'm here. Aint no way. I looked around trying to find Aaron when I finally spotted him he was smoking with some dudes in the corner. I walked over to him and pulled him away from them walking him outside in the hall where it was a little quieter.
"Yo Lamar, what's your problem ?" Aaron slurred and I looked at him with angry eyes.
"Aaron do me a favour right quick?" I asked feeling the blood rush through my veins
"What is it?"
"Go upstairs and check if you see Nhazir."
"Whaat? You go and check that's your man" he wined,
"Just do it shit!" I yelled getting angry
"Alrighttttt," he said raising his hands up in surrender walking away up the stairs whilst mumbling something in Spanish.
I stood there for a good 5 minutes waiting for her to come back down the stairs. When he finally did I looked at him with knowing eyes, I just knew he was fucking him, I just knew it already.
"Aint nobody up there." He said when he finally reached the bottom. I looked at him like he was crazy.
"What you mean there's nobody up there! I saw them go up the Aaron" I yelled feeling once again those angry tears building up
"What is you talking about? Aint nobody up there Lamar, shit. Now can we go back inside that living room and have some fun please." He said getting annoyed.
"Man whatever imma check for myself then" I yelled pushing past him and walking up the stairs. When I reached the top I checked every single room for signs of Anthony or Nhazir but there was none. What the fuck? I walked back downstairs and out of the house confused as fuck when I see Anthony sitting on the steps with his head in his hand and it sounded as if he was sobbing. I walked over to him and stood in front not saying anything until he looked up at me.
When he clocked me he rolled his eyes and quickly wiped his tears away from his face before he spoke.
"You happy now? You won Lamar he's yours" he said with tears still rolling down his face. I looked down at him confused as fuck, what the hell was he talking about?
"Nhaz, or should I say 'Nhazir' as you call him, he's yours, you won." He answered as if she read my mind,  he stoodup and turned around to walk back into the house but I pulled his arm back to look at me "What are you talking about Anthony I saw y'all go upstairs" I grit out getting angrier at the thought of them two even being alone upstairs.
"Yeah imagine that, he took me upstairs to tell me how in 'in love' he was with you, he took me upstairs to let me know he didn't want me like that he took me upstairs to let me down Lamar. So that's what I mean by you won. I'm done fighting for someone who doesn't love me back. So go ahead go and get your man. But I will say one thing, be careful that SHE doesn't come back and he drops you for her just like he's dropped me for you." and with that he turns around and walks back into the house leaving me confused as fuck. I quickly run back in the house grabbing my coat and walking back out of the house going home.  It was like 3 in the morning now but I didn't wanna be here any longer too much was on my mind, I just wanted to sleep. Besides Naomi only lived a few streets away from me anyway so I would be fine.

Nhazir POV

I walked back downstairs after finally telling Anthony the truth about me and him. Basically I let him know i was using him in the beginning as a rebound to get over Jen but the shit just got out of control and I never dropped him before he caught feelings. I told him that I was in love with Lamar so there was no point in him tryna do the little shit he was doing to try and break us up because it wasn't gona work anyway. I know after I told him the truth that he was hurting bad, because I know how it feels to be hurt by someone who you're in love with but I felt bad knowing that all this time I was leading him on, promising him shit that I didn't mean. And either way no pain lasts forever so he'd get over it.
As I walked back into the living room I scanned the room for Lamar but saw no sign of him, I looked over at the couch where his coat was placed before but it was gone, yet Aaron was still here. I walked over to Aaron who was talking with Naomi's older brother Kelvin,
"Aye Aaron, where Lamar at?" I asked looking at him, he turned around and said "I don't know last time I saw him he was mad and was walking upstairs looking for you so..." I frowned a little and said thanks to him before walking outside looking for him, but still no sign, I pulled out my phone to call him but his phone was off which was weird cos Lamar never switched his phone off, unless his battery was dead. I pulled out my blackberry and dialled the number I gave him but he still didn't answer. I hopped into my car speeding off down the road heading to his house when I saw his walking along the road slowly with his head down. I slowed down the car to pulled up next to him rolling down the window.
"Lamar" I called out to him and he looks over startled but rolled his eye's when he realised it's me.
"Look Lamar I didn't fuck him ask him" I yelled to him knowing that's probably what he thought
"I don't care Nhazir." he mumbled still walking up the road.
"Look baby can you please get in the car at least? Let me explain" I asked still rolling on the side of him
"Nhazir I don't care, I don't wanna hear it, I just don't care. I just wanna sleep Ok so go home" he replied back as he finally makes it to her driveway and walks up it.
I stopped the car and watched her as he walked into his house shutting the door not even turning back, just making sure he got in safely before turning the car back around and heading home. I was too tired to deal with his stubbornness right now, i'd just call him tomorrow.

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