Chapter Two ( Part 3 ) !

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Jay and Dewayne in the MM !

Lamar POV :

Last period of the day was Basketball; I still couldn't believe they actually had basketball as an actual class. I walked into the Gym accompanied by Jay,Isaiah & Naomi.

"So Lamar you coming to the Halloween Lockout next month right? It's so much fun" Naomi asked as we made our way over to the bleachers waiting for the coach to arrive leaving the boys to clown around as usual.

"Halloween Lockout? What is that?"

"What y'all don't have that in New York?"

"Nah, what is like a party?"

"Yeah kind of, it always starts at like 6 o'clock and it's on all night we have like different activities in each classroom and then like the further you go up, the scarier it is. Like the fourth floor is the haunted floor and they have all this stuff up there, you be falling and all that shit. Seriously it's like the best time in school next to homecoming and all that" she explained

"What y'all talking about, the lock in?" Jay asked walking over to us eating a tootsie roll.

"Yeah I'm just telling Lamar he has to come this year" Naomi explained

"Ah, yeah that shit is off the hook, I go like every year" Isaiah Chimed in sitting on the row of seats up from me and Naomi.

I looked up from Isaiah across the gym and I saw Nhazir walking towards us, in nothing but some red basketball shorts and a white beater, its only then I notice all the artistic tattoo's going up down his arms and across his chest, spilling out the top of his tank.

Damn this nigga is too fine.

I quickly looked down at my clothes and fixed my hair . He walked up to the space next to me and sat down before slightly turning around to face isaiah so that his chest and crouch is facing my side. Oh lord. I suddenly get a hot flash through my body and put my head down in my lap to stop everybody from seeing me blush. I heard Naomi snicker a little bit, but paid no mind to her. I couldn't afford to look up at her cos I already knew my face was probably strawberry red right now.

"Ay, Isaiah, you seen Dewayne?" Nhaz asked

"Nah Not yet, he should be coming in now though, why?"

"Cause he got my food. That little nigga thinks I'm dumb" He chuckled .

I lifted my head back up from my lap and glanced over at Naomi who was sat staring at me with a small smirk on her face

"What he left during study hall again?" Jay asked Nhazir going onto his 3rd tootsie roll since he's been in here

"Yeah man I told that nigga to get me some Hot Cheeto's, and its taking his ass more than enough time" Just then Dewayne came walking through the gym hall with his book bag in his hand.

"Yo he better have my shit" Nhazir laughed, getting up from the bench and walking over to Dewayne. I can't help but stare at Nhazir as he made his way over to Dewayne.

"Yeah so anyway, like I was saying, the Halloween lock-in is the shit. Then Homecoming is like a month from now; we're going to have so much fun. You're going right?" Naomi continued but I was in such a daze from staring at Nhaxir I didn't even realise she was talking to me. "Lamar?" she calls but still she receives no answer from me so she follows my eyes and sees's that I'm staring at Nhazir hard. "UH Ohh"

"What" Isaiah asked as he looks at Nhazir and then looks at back at me "LAMAR!" He yelled snapping me out my trance.

"Huh what you say?"

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