"I'll take it in Sha Allah" I said

"Ok good, have you told your husband yet?" She asked

She's another person who knew about this issue

"No, not yet" I said

"Hameeda, you're almost 7 months pregnant now, when will he find out?" She asked

Well it's not like I see him

"When I see him next" I said

I wasn't in the mood to have a long talk and all I wanted to do was to lay down not to have this conversation

I was tired of it

"Ok Toh, if you need anything or you sense anything unusual give me a call" she said

"Ok, thank you so much Aisha, for everything" I said

"Haba Ba komai, sai da safeh" (c'mon its ok, Goodnight)

"Sai da safeh" i said as she hung up (Goodnight)

I stood up and I got the medicine box before I went back to my previous position

I opened it trying to find the medicine she was talking about

After a few minutes of searching through I found the medicine

I placed the pill in my mouth before I took the bottle of water next to me and I washed it down

I placed the medicines I brought out back into the boxes before I pushed it away

I stretched my legs in front of me as I looked down at my nails that were getting long

I literally cut them last week and it's looking like I didn't

I was about to stand up to get a nail cutter when I heard someone clearing up their throat and I immediately looked up

I was so surprised to see Umar standing there next to the opened door

How long has he been standing there?

I blinked "Ina wuni" (Good Evening)

"Lafiya" his deep voice replied

That's literally the only thing we say to each other

He could have just added another three months to his stay since it didn't seem like he wanted to come back

I held the edge of the bed before I slowly stood up

I don't even know what he's doing here

When he comes home he doesn't look for me

I'm the one who looks for him to greet him

After that he just stays locked up in his room, he sometimes comes out to eat, and goes back to his room, and then he leaves early in the morning

I don't understand the use of coming home then, He doesn't sit with me nor talk to me

"I didn't know you're coming back today, let me heat up dinner" I said

I turned to gape at him when he nodded

He doesn't do that! When I offer food he just shakes his head no and he walks away

I turned away from looking at him and I turned to leave

I went into the kitchen and I brought out the macaroni and chicken that I made for dinner some hours ago

I didn't even eat it so I kept it in the fridge

I heated it in the microwave before I placed the macaroni and the chicken in different dishes

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