I Thought It Was You

Start from the beginning

And I can talk to Stefan about anything, and he'll care and reassure me that everything is okay.

All of my friends are like family, but Damon and Stefan definitely win the top spot. And if I can't find Kai, I know they'll be here to give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay.

They're my family.

They'll always be my family.

"Don't we technically need to fly there?" I ask Bonnie as I drive down a small secluded road. She looks up at me, confused for a minute. She was going through spell books. I probably ruined her witchy juju.

"Yes. Yes, we do. There's a spell that can get us there faster, though, and all we need is to be in a place in the middle of nowhere and something that belonged to Kai." She responds.

"That sounds more like a locator spell." I reply.

"I know, but if we want the connection to the place we're going to to be strong, we'll need something of Kai's. We're going there to find him, so that's why any special item is needed." She explains. I look down.

I have his clothes on. Like almost every item of clothing is his. I'm wearing his sweatpants, his shirt, and his jacket. I know it sounds weird, but I miss him so much, and this is the closest thing I have to him. I'm wearing my own shoes, though, because Kai has bigger feet than me.

I point to the jacket I'm wearing.

"Will this work?" I ask. She smiles and nods.

"You're wearing his clothes again, aren't you?" She asks even though she already knows the answer. I nod, ashamed.

"Hey. There's nothing wrong with that. You miss him. And you love him so much. Don't let anyone tell you it's not okay to mourn." She states.

"But don't you think it's weird that I'm wearing his clothes?" I ask. Bonnie shakes her head.

"My ex-boyfriend left his shirt at my apartment by accident when we broke up. I was so sad that I put his shirt on my pillow, and I cuddled with that pillow for a few weeks. Everyone mourns in their own way, Elle. There's no wrong or right." Bonnie replies. I smile.

"Thank you, Bonnie. For being so supportive and sweet. I love you, B." I whisper. She grabs my hand.

"I love you too, E." She whispers. We're getting closer to the field. Closer to Kai.


"Turn right." Bonnie says softly. I do, and I park in the middle of the field. It looks oddly familiar. I stop the car, and we both get out.

"You ready?" Bonnie asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I whisper. I think I've repeated that phrase times when I wasn't even ready. It's just become glued in my brain I guess.

I slip off the jacket, holding it tightly in my arms before handing it over to Bonnie.

"I'll need your help with this spell. Just repeat after me, okay?" She asks. I nod.

We grab each other's hands with the jacket in between them. She starts saying the spell and I follow. We have our eyes closed, but I can still feel everything whirl around us. I feel her hands slowly slip from mine, making me open my eyes.

Portland. We're here in Portland. With the chance of finding Kai. I don't know what will happen but if there's a chance of finding Kai, I'll do anything.

"Where the fuck are we?" I ask, already frustrated.

We ended up in an even more secluded area. When we opened our eyes, we were surrounded by trees. We've been walking for about ten minutes trying to figure out where we are.

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