Sailing into Dangers

Start from the beginning

(Vita lowers her head with sadness. They picked up the ball and ran away. Joss exits the shop and threw something at her. She grabs it and notices that is a red ball.)

Joss: Here. Now we both can play sometime.

(He smiles. Her face turns a little red and is filled with hope.)

Joss: Now, let's go and wait for Merlin!

(They both walked and waited outside with Shion and Anastacya)

(From the bar, a man comes out with an angry face. Merlin follows him.)

Man: And who are the ones that will come with me?!

Merlin: Alright guys, I want you to meet Captain Harlock. He will do us the pleasure of take us to the south continent in exchange for our assistance with some healing.

Anastacya: Healing?

Merlin: Yes. Now let's go.

Harlock: Come on and move yar assess to the goddamn ship!

(They follow the captain until they arrive at a little wooden ship. From it, a gorgeous blond woman comes out. She waits for them)

Woman: Captain, the preparations are complete!

Harlock: Good, Kei. This here are the healers, Merlin and her squad. Prepare them a cabin and hand them the insignias.

(Harlock enters the ship)

Harlock: I Harlock, allow Merlin and her group to enter Arcadia.

(The ship glows. Kei stand at the docks and hand them a strange amulet.)

Kei: As long as you are inside the Arcadia, wear this. It will allow you free movement in the ship. Also, it can heal some wounds.

Joss: Heal wounds?

Kei: Yeah, believe me, you WILL need it.

(She turns and laughs softly.)

Merlin: Well, let's go inside!

Anastacya: Are you sure Merlin? This ship is...(looks around) not so safe...

Shion: It looks good to me.

(Everyone laughs and comes inside the ship)

(Once inside, Harlock stands in the center)

Harlock: This is my crew.

(The crew began to laugh)

Harlock: And this is my vice-captain, Kei.

Kei: Hello there.

Harlock: There is just three rules here:

1. Obey your captain

2. Do your fucking job

And 3...(He grins)

Crew member: There are no rules!!!

Harlock: Hell yeah. You, mage, which ones are gonna do the healing?

Merlin: Myself and my pupil, Anastacya.

(Harlock gives a contemptuous look to Anastacya)

Harlock: I can vouch for your power, but her...

Merlin: Don't be. She is as good as I.

Harlock: If you say so. The rest, just don't die.

Joss: Did he say...die?

Shion: Merlin! What is going to happen?

Merlin: Nothing bad little Shion.

Vita: Master...I'm scare.

Joss: Just go and stay alongside Merlin. She will protect you from harm.

Vita: But I want to stay with you.

Joss: Once we arrive at our destination, we will play. I promise you.

(She gives a healthy smile)

Vita: Ok!

(She runs to Merlin)

Merlin: Stay with me.

(The little ship began to set sail)

(From one of the cabins, a man comes out.)

Kei: Oh, I almost forgot, we have another passenger. His name is—

Welf: Welf Crozzo! It's a pleasure to meet ya all!!!

Anastacya: He sure is loud...

Shion: Hello! I'm Shion, and this is Anastacya, Joss, Vita, Merlin, Lucas and Katherine.

Welf: It's a pleasure to meet you all! And what do you do on these waters?

Shion: Well, we are in some adventure it is?

Joss: Yeah.

Welf: Niiice! Are you going to Sylira?

Joss: Sylira?

Welf: Yesh! That's the name of the south country. Really quiet, not so much problems.

Joss: Then yes!

Welf: It seems you are very energetic, like me!!

Anastacya: And annoying too...

(The ship continues to set sail and a strange mist comes in sight. After a brief moment, the little wooden ship changes form.)

(Harlock stands in the center of the ship.)

Harlock: Men! It's the time we have been waiting for so long!

Crewmen: Yeah!

Harlock: The Universal Whale has come again after a thousand years and it's our job to protect them from those stupid mercenaries and people who want to hurt them!

Crewmen: Yea!!!

Harlock: And maybe we can die while doing so!

Crewmen: YEAH

(They all laugh)

Anastacya: M-Merlin...what's happening?!

Merlín: Oh, didn't I told you? This ship and the people in it are cursed with immortality and they have the task to protect the Universal Whale, a creature that comes from space to this world to give birth. While doing so, mercenaries and different kinds of people come for it. One scale from it can be sold for more than a million golden coins. And if you manage to kill it...well...but that isn't our job. We were allowed transportation in exchange for us to keep healing it. They are tasked with protecting her. So, you and I must do our work correctly, and try not to die in the process.

(From the distant, a creature begins to surface)

Harlock: Men! Let the birth and the leave of the whale begin!!!! Sound the music!!!!

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