Anastacya: But...the prophecy...

(The pupil collapses and faints.)

(Merlin arrives and sees the commotion. Arabella walks away with her companions. Shion arrives at the scene with the others.)

Merlin: It was already destined. May the World give you it's blessings.

(She turns and makes Anastacya levitate. Shion stills has no clue and follows them)

(Arabella turns to Legion and smiles.)

(Joss passes Arabella with Vita, Lucas and Kat)

Arabella: Hey, Legion, would it be possible to take a trip down south? I might not want to travel with that lot, but I still want to find that Dragon Historian.'

Lucas: What the heck is happening here?

Katherine: Ok, wait, are they fighting?

Legion: Mmm - thinks for a bit- Yea there is. But it will take us about ... 2 days to arrive.

Arabella: 'Well, what if we took Magnus? Would that hurry things up?'

'Apparently, he learned how to fly from Paarthurnax, a few days ago.'

Legion: We could try. Be a safer route. The oceans can be a dangerous place to sail on at times.

Arabella: 'Mmmm......but I would still love to see the ocean. So, it's decided then! I shall summon Magnus and we can be on our way, and then stop at the beach!'

"Oh lord of paralysis and venom, come at my head. I need your assistance once more, come forth at your will, Magnus!"

(After a plume of smoke, Magnus appears.)

Magnus: 'Hello again, Mistress. Where are we headed today?'

Arabella: 'To the south. Legion will have more details on the exact location. Will you allow us to ride you?'

Magnus: 'Of course, Mistress. Get on and let us be off.'

(Arabella then gets up on the offered leg and gets carried up to Magnus' back.)

Arabella: 'Come, Legion! Adventure and discovery await!'

Legion: - smiles- Moderno, hopefully Iriom is there.

(She jumps and lands softly onto Magnus's back)

(Joss ran towards Merlin)

Joss: What happened here? Why is Anastacya in bad shape?

Merlin: Complications dear. But let's depart quickly. Call your friends over here to meet them.

(Joss calls them)

Joss: Hey Lucas! Katherine! Come here!

Lucas: Oh, hey guys!

Katherine: Hiii!! It's been a while

Merlin: May the world gives you it's blessings. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Merlin and I'm the teacher of these kids here.

Shion: Hello! My name is Shion!

Lucas: Pleasure to meet the powerful Merlin and her pupils. I am Lucas and she is my pupil, Katherine

Katherine: A pleasure to meet you all (she bows)

Merlin: Now that we all are together, let's begin the journey! We will make stops from time to time since this three still needs to do some training. I'm willing to give you too if you want to, but I warn you, it may be a hellish one. (She winks)

(Anastacya awakens)

Anastacya: Wha? Where are we?

(Merlin flicks her)

Merlin: You just were out for a moment there. I want you to meet Lucas and Katherine.

(She gets on her feet quickly and began to study them on different aspects)

Anastacya: Wuaow Wow WOW! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! What are your powers? Can you run really fast? Can you use fire?

(Merlin interrupts her)

Merlin: Come on Anastacya, don't bother them.

(Merlin turns to Lucas and Katherine)

Merlin: Don't pay her any mind. Let's continue.

(Anastacya lowered her gaze.)

Anastacya: Merlin I---

(She is interrupted inmedietly.)

Merlin: I know what happened. I knew there was a chance this might happen, but alas, I couldn't stop it. Do not worry, child. Let us focus on the present and enjoy our adventure.

(And unto adventure they went.) 

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