Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Flynn’s Pov

Another week passed; well at least I think it was a week. In all honesty I didn’t know when one day ended and another began. I hadn’t left the spot I was in all week apart from the occasional toilet break and that was bare necessity and not out of choice believe me. All week long I’d talked and talked to her as if she was listening, I’d told her all about the baby, how she was growing with every passing day now that she had a regular supply of goodness going into her all be it from the drips and medication Harley was hooked up to.

I told her about what she would be like when she was older and what we were going to do, how I was never going to leave her again, I told her how much I loved her and missed her and how even the brightest days seemed dull and empty without her kilowatt smile and deep brown eyes. I told her about our little angel, the one we’d never get to meet but how she would always be our daughter and that we’d never forget her. But it didn’t matter how much I talked to her, how much I cried for her, she never moved, she didn’t blink, shudder, or even breathe differently. The only thing that filled the room was my sobs and the steady beeping of her and the baby’s machines.

When I say her machines, yeah it was only hers, Harry had woken up  a few days ago and was mortified to see his sister still in her coma, even more so when his mom and dad told him that somehow she had kept me, him and the baby alive causing her to have no energy to heal herself. Since that moment he’d taken up a permanent residence in the seat opposite me.

It had been a just over two weeks since that day, that day that would haunt me for the rest if my life, two weeks since I spoke to her, saw her smile and felt her skin on mine, two weeks since we’d been to school, two weeks since I’d seen anyone other than family or close friends that visited Harley. I had no idea what excuse they’d made up for us all being out of school and I didn’t care, even when Harley got better and we had our little Faith, I had no intentions of going back my two girls were my main focus from now on and that how it would be for the rest of my life.

Yeah I’d kind of named the baby, ever since Seth had said to me days ago that ‘hope will always survive as long as you have faith’ it stayed with me. That our angel was our little Hope and as long as Faith was here breathing, healthy and happy then her sister will always live on.  Don’t get me wrong if Harley hated it then fair dos we would decide another together but something about those names felt right and I hoped to god she agreed. I’d told her, and I always called the babies by the names I’d given them I only could hope that her Granddad was right when he said she could hear me that she really was still in there.

The doctors were keeping a close eye on her checking her vitals every hour and even though her cuts and bruises were healing the major internal injuries and the broken bones weren’t, all I got from them was she was stable, that she wasn’t letting herself heal and that she was passing every bit of strength she had onto Faith to keep her alive. As soon as Harry woke up she picked up a bit, just like she did when I’d healed because of her and I could only hope that she’d wake up before it was time for Faith to be born.

Lifting my head and looking over the bed at Harry I couldn’t help but sigh, he still didn’t look right, no one could understand how he was still awake given how connected they were but since he’d woken he’d barely spoke a word. Not even to his parents or aunt and uncle. He just walked about in a kind of blur, he wasn’t himself, it was as if he was missing a vital piece of himself. He was nothing like he was when we were looking for her, no this was different, before he knew we’d find her, that I’d find her, there was no other option but now it was like he was half of himself and nobody could explain why Harley was so ill and Harry had managed to wake up.

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