Chapter 4

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Hey everyone, I'm so amazed by how well everyone has taken to this story in and currently sitting at #65 on non-teen fiction and #90 on werewolf whats hot list. i honestly think i nearly peed myself seeing that its so great so thank you all so much for your support and comments and votes :o)

Onto the chapter, i really hope you like it and i'm really sorry for uploading late but like i said my wonderfull kids decieded to be major pains last night so i couldnt concentrate too well so i really hope its ok :o/

please let me know, comment vote and fan please let me know what you think


Chapter 4

Harley’s pov

Pulling into the school I couldn’t help but sigh loudly, I’d come at the wrong time, stupid Flynn and his silly games. Now instead of being able to go into school and straight into hiding in the libary without the typical stares and jibes like I normally did when I came slightly early, I now had to face everyone. I was still in total shock that he had turned up like he had and I didn’t know whether to be happy or nervous that he said he was going to prove to me he had changed. Was it even real or was he playing some kind of mind game with me, a silly bet with one of the idiots he hung about with. I just didn’t know all I could concentrate on was that kiss. I’d never been kissed that that in my entire life, fair enough the only guy I had ever kissed was Flynn but that, that was just unbelievable. I could still feel his lips on mine, his breath tickling my face and see his dazzling smile.

Shaking my head I sighed loudly to myself again looking through the windshield to see everyone laughing and joking around the cars and walking towards the huge grey building that I was forced to go to every day. I slouched back down into my chair putting off getting out for a bit longer, I could see Hayden and her little posse flirting with all the football players, giggling like mad and flipping their hair like clones of each other. I never understood why people did that, why copy everyone, why be like everyone else. If everyone is that same no one is special, well that’s what I thought anyway, that’s what my granddad told me every time I got upset when I was little about being different.

Taking a deep breath I slowly opened the car down and closed it quietly keeping my head down hoping not be noticed, I doubt that very much they would have all seen me pull up they knew which car was mine, the likelihood of me going by unnoticed was slim to say the least. Creeping around the back of the car I lifted my head up in time to see Harrys yellow mustang roar up beside me, his face bright red, he was clenching his jaw and grinning his teeth he looked ready to explode. All this time he had still been trying to break down my blocks, he couldn’t do he never could. I always kept my block up until I wanted it down, not that it stopped the pounding headache that came with it that was now ringing in my head making me feel sick.

His eyes locked with me mine staring deeply into mine, he didn’t have to speak I knew what he was going to say, I always did. I shook my head at him making his face turn redder with each passing second, Logan at his side looking angry but not quite as angry as I could feel Harry was.

I could feel everyone stop what they were doing and just stare at the silent exchange going on between us. Putting my head down I started to walk off only to hear his car door slam echoing around the parking area and him storming over to me grabbing my arm and pulling me back towards him. I raised my eyebrow up warning him, I could feel how angry he was, how unstable and as much as I was a social outcast he would not grab me like that, no way in hell would I let him grab me.

“Don’t Harry” I snarled under my breath grabbing his hand and squeezing tightly, while I could see slight bruises starting to apear where I was squeezing. I felt my scar start to burn, I knew I was hurting him but he held his ground, his grip on my arm staying the same

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