Chapter 29

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Hey everyone thanks for baring with me and waiting for this upload I’ve had another rough week with everything that’s been going on plus I’ve been busy with my youngest daughters 3rd birthday who has been bad with a chest infection and her asthma and also I’ve been full of cold and feeling like general poo, so I’ve really not had the get up and go to do anything let alone sit and write so thank you so much for sticking with me and not sending me hate mail lol and thanks for all the amazing comments within two days of my upload I was in at #44 on the werewolf what’s hot which is AMAZING I swear a little pee came out when I saw that :O)

So anyway on with the chapter, I’m still full of cold and the kids are in the next room running riot so I want to apologise if it’s not up to scratch also ill prob upload before editing so please excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes

Sooooo please enjoy and as always please comment vote and fan and most of all I really hope you like it

Love ya all


Chapter 29

Logan’s pov

I turned my shaking back on him and fought back the sobs that were threatening to escape. I’d honestly never seen anything as horrific in my life, Harley’s lifeless body covered in blood, muck and god knows what else I didn’t even want to know all huddled into Flynn’s chest. The look on his face will stay with me forever as he held her tightly in his arms obviously never wanting to let go of her again. My usually thin but curvy and toned cousin was all but skin and bones apart from a tiny little bump I could see protruding from her into his side as he held her closely, well that did it that’s when I had to turn knowing that we had to get her and that baby to Harry or none of them would make it much longer.

I’d managed to wake Carter quickly and much to his shock unlocked him, to be honest he’d not said much until he saw his sister, Frankie I learnt she was called to which he was almost reduced to crumpled heap on the floor seeing the state the poor girl was in, luckily they both realised we had no time for dwelling on anything, we needed to get out and we needed to get out fast our cover story of that stupid meeting would only last so long and when they realised what was happening all hell would break loose and I’d rather that happened when we were at least out of this god forsaken building and had the back up of our pack.

As I turned towards a still shell shocked Carter holding onto Frankie for dear life I could see his eyes narrowed in on Harley and start to fill up

“I I’m so sorry” he muttered shaking his head and looking at the floor

“Carter not now we need to go” I said using all the beta tone I could manage, I was used to being surrounded by the twins and with the alpha tone mine never worked, on the occasion it worked on Flynn and my mom if they let it so needless to say I was surprised when Carter so willingly surrendered and just nodded at me

“Frankie we need to move fast sweetie do you think you can make it if we have to run or fight” I said bending down to this little girl with her jet black hair matted to the side of her still bleeding face and head. I couldn’t help but feel a massive twinge in my heart for this little girl, she was only a child, she hadn’t shifted and they’d put her through so much I just needed to get everyone out of this place, everything else we could deal with later.

“Y...yes sir I can” her little voice whimpered in my ears making my heart melt again

“Ok then sweetie you stay as close to your brother as you possibly can ok don’t leave him or a second and both of you need to follow me and Flynn ok” I said moving my gaze from Frankie to Carter

“Yes, I’ll do anything you say but please I need to know…how’s Hayden?” he asked quietly looking over at a still unusually quiet Flynn cradling Harley whispering into her ear how much he loved her and he would make everything right for them again. I couldn’t help but sigh a little I suppose it was a good job he was so concentrated on Harley and not realising that Carter was asking about Hayden or I dread to think of what would happen and I can’t say it would be pretty a pissed off Flynn is never a nice calm cool collected Flynn, no he’s an all-out animal and I dread to think of the confrontation that would happen between these two when he was of sound mind.

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