Chapter 21

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Hey well i thankfully have two days off now....YAY, anyway im tired and aching so i hope this chapter isnt too much of a bummer for you all and the actions starting in the next chappy :o)

let me know what you think please comment and vote, ive dropped off all the whats hots lists and to all you loyal fans and readers thank you so much for sticking with me i love you all

anyways i really hope you like it and please let me know what you think......


Chapter 21

Harley’s pov

“Please Daddy” I pleaded jumping up and down like a little girl, mom was nowhere to be seen no doubt busy rallying the troops for hunting down her mom and trying her best to make sure me and Haz didn’t find out and I was in process of talking dad around about my car.

My baby, god I missed my car, sure I loved Flynn’s bike but sitting in Harrys dirty ass car was getting too much and as much as I’d pleaded with him to stop with the dirty hoes in the car he hadn’t and every time I so much as opened the door to sit in it I couldn’t help but feel physically sick. Yeah I needed my car and I needed it back badly and thankfully I could wind every male in my family around my little finger, which was exactly what I was doing at this precise moment in time, I’d even gotten granddad and Uncle Dan on my side while Haz and Logan were stood a bit behind me with their jaws almost to the ground while Flynn just had a smug smile plastered on his face.

“Harley you’re still grounded” he tried to protest; right I needed to bring the big guns out. I smiled sweetly batting my eyelashes and doing the face forcing my eyes to start to glaze over

“But…but daddy I’m sorry I’ve learnt my lesson, I promise I have I really need my car back please don’t make me get back in Harry’s car” I said with my bottom lip trembling

“Har…” he said sighing looking over at Uncle Dan and granddad who were just smirking like Flynn knowing exactly what I was doing and how I was playing my dad.

“Daddy please” I begged letting one single tear fall gently down my cheek

“Harley, oh sweetie don’t cry I know these last few weeks have been tough on you but this is down to your mom sweetie” he said sighing, walking forward and brushing my waves from my face and tucking them behind my ear

#He’s cracking# Harry chuckled into my head, he always loved it when I worked my magic on Dad he found it highly amusing or so he said.

#Watch this# I chuckled back, my voice in his head nothing like the one I was giving my dad. Yeah I felt bad playing him but what I was saying was right I needed my car back plus I needed it in case I needed to make a quick getaway, you know just in case she caught me off guard, that’s all that had been on my mind since we’d found out and it was making me feel sick to the stomach that she could catch me un aware and not prepared. I was a thinker and a planner I didn’t act on instincts I liked to be in control and I hated not knowing where she was or what she was planning for me.

Double Or Nothing (Book two in the 'Into The Moon' Series)Where stories live. Discover now