Chapter 24

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Hey everyone, soooo no action in thic chapter but two new pov's so i really hope you like it and i just want to say a massive thank you to all of you that got me to 48 on the whats hot list i almost peed my pants lol im 104 at the minute which in itself is amazing so thank you.

anyways the chapter, i really hope you like it and realise that the people you think are bad arent always :o)

please comment and let me know what you think and please please vote and fan

love you all


Chapter 24

Hayden’s pov

The sound of steady beeping penetrated my ears making me groan from the noise, my head was already pounding in agony, my throat felt sore along with my neck and one side of my arm. I groggily moaned and shuffled slightly as the rough material rubbed up my back, I slowly opened my eyes panicking that the beeping was getting louder causing my head to pound all the more.

“Hayden sweetie calm down” I heard a deep familiar voice echoing in my ears, turning and gasping from the pain in my neck I brought my hand up to my neck to try and ease the stabbing pain only to notice a tube sticking out of my hand.

“Granddad” I muttered hoarsely as I realised the voice belonged to my granddad, I’d thought I’d heard mom mention he was coming but let’s be honest it’s not as if they were going to go out of their way to tell me something, plus I had hardly been home in the last few days.

“Oh Sweetie, I’m here let me get your mom and see where your dad is” he soothed sitting up and stroking my hair away from face

“No, don’t bother them, what’s going on” I said easing my way up the bed realising where I was, the beeping to a machine at the side of me attached to my chest and the wire on my hand going off to an iv at the other side of me, I was in the old pack house, that was used as the hospital now.

“Oh Hayden don’t you remember” he said sadly, only now I got a real look at my granddad, he looked so tired, his eyes were red and puffy with dark rings around them and he looked like he hadn’t shaved for days.

When I remembered, Carter I need him, where was he surely he knew I needed him. Then I really remembered, what he told me, he wanted my sister, I remember begging him not to hurt her, not to listen to this woman he was working for, he’d told me he had no choice that this woman was like no one else he’d ever met and that he needed to do this to keep me safe.

“Hayden, Harley’s been kidnapped” Granddad said stroking my hand snapping me from my thoughts immediately.

Oh god no he’d done it, when it all came back him shouting at me and hitting me hard sending me flying. I didn’t even notice Harley and no doubt where Harley was Flynn was. He must have taken her when I was out of it, he must have known they were there and hit me to look like he didn’t love me, he said he needed to protect me but he never had to protect me from Harley. Ever since we were small she’d always been there for me, teaching me things playing with me, doing my hair and making me laugh. When I fell she picked me up and stopped me crying, she always looked after me and I loved her for it but the older we got the more angrier and angrier I got. Don’t get me wrong I’ve never ever stopped loving or looking up to my sister but something inside me was pushing me to hate her, to hate her wolf. She was always bigger, faster, stronger, kinder and sweeter than everyone else and she didn’t even know it and what I’d said to her earlier about the nice act fooling no one wasn’t me talking.

My wolf was a let-down, I knew it my mom and dad knew it even if they never said anything to me. Sure I black like the twins but I wasn’t completely black like them so the Grace gene kind of skipped me. I had small white patch underneath my left back leg and a small white spot on the end of my tail, which I suppose was dads genes in there but I was tiny and when everyone was shifted they all dwarfed me Harley and mom especially Harry was huge too and about the same size as dad and given they both were only a fraction smaller than mom and Harley but you can tell how small I was and I felt.

Double Or Nothing (Book two in the 'Into The Moon' Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें