chapter 42

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 hey so, this is the next chapter, hope you all think its ok and like it please leave your comments and let me know and please excuse the mistakes lol

love ya all


Chapter 42

Harley’s Pov

I’d said it and I knew my mom and dad knew what I was going to say. I don’t even know why they bothered asking, there was no way I was going to let Carter rot for doing the only think he could to save Frankie and not forgetting the fact he ended up in the same place as me.

I’d left the room more or less as soon as I’d talked to my mom and dad and had gone upstairs to talk to Flynn. He’d been sleeping so peacefully I hadn’t wanted to wake him. He looked so happy, so contented, a look I’d missed so I let him sleep all be it not for long. He sensed me staring though and woke up a few moments later, I can’t say he was pleased with what I told him but he wasn’t surprised, and he never mentioned anything we spoke about last night, I knew and he knew we had to move on. Don’t get me wrong I knew that if I ever needed to talk to him he would without hesitation but for now I had said everything that needed saying.

Harry and Logan weren’t surprised either, in fact no one was which made me annoyed why they waited for me to wake up, for me to come home to make the very decision they knew I’d make. If my mom had just done what she knew I would tell her to do then maybe Hayden wouldn’t have flipped out so easily and been able to control herself but then if I started with the what ifs I could be here all day.

So after a good few hours of my brother, cousin and mate slowly getting back to their usual idiot selves, after a stern telling off that I wanted to be treated like they did before I might add. Yeah these last few hours had been hard, I’d fought every urge to run back upstairs, lock the door and hide under my duvet. But I refused to let them win, I wouldn’t let my grandmother win and plus I needed to help Hayden.

Anyway as I sat on the bottom of the stairs right next to the door I was nervous. I was going outside, the last time I was outside with just Flynn we were attacked. Don’t get me wrong I was still going, I had too, it had taken me long enough to convince everyone to let me go, that I had a point to prove, not only to them but to myself and as Flynn told me early I needed to take one step at a time.

“You sure you want to do this?” Flynn asked coming down the stairs and kneeling down wrapping his arms around me resting them on my bump and kissing my head.

“Yep, if anyone needs to do this it’s me” I said leaning up so I could reach his lips pecking them softly.

“Right come on then, Logan’s holding Harry upstairs so he won’t stop you” he said standing up and holding his hand out for me. As I turned to face him my breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. His tight blue jeans and black v neck t-shirt clung to his every muscle. I could feel myself staring; he just got more and more good looking every time I saw him.

“You’ll give me a big head Har” he chuckled heaving my weight of the floor and pulling me into his amazing body.

“Well you deserve one” I shrugged as our babies kick their daddy making me flinch

“Owww, I tell you that’s getting very old” I frowned rubbing my belly in hopes to calm whichever of my children wanted to say hi to their daddy earning a laugh from my mate.

“That will never get old” he smiled bending down and kissing my bump before wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down pressing his lips to mine

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