Chapter 39

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Hey everyone, hope you liked the last chapter and here’s the next, again it’s not up to my usual standard being that I still need to get back into the swing of the story but I think its god enough to give you all :o) so hopefully you’ll like it, most of it is filler with the exception to one bit….not giving anything away.

Anyway please enjoy and thanks for reading, please comment and vote and let me know what you all think.



Chapter 39

Flynn’s pov

After what seemed a life time of Harley snuggling into my side as I nervously looked from every window of her dad’s car we finally pulled up outside her house. For a journey that only took five minutes I thought it would never end. All I wanted was to get her home, in her own bed surrounded by everyone that loved her most. I needed her and my babies safe and until I got her in that house with our families I was on edge.

I know I’d told her everything would be ok and nothing would happen to her but I couldn’t help worry, every jump she made had me in bits, every time she cried I couldn’t help but want to cry with her. I’d lost her once, lost one of our babies to that mad woman and I couldn’t let that ever happen again. My job was to protect her, to look after her and all this time coming home I was constantly looking over my shoulder, out of the windows. Any car that came past us made me nervous I just needed her safe and in that house.

“We’re here princess” Milos’s voice snapped me out of my daze as I sucked in her scent as she slowly released her grip on me looking up.

“We’re home” she mumbled not knowing if she should smile or cry.

“Yep, come on let’s get you inside” I smiled kissing her softly on her soft golden hair.

She looked up at me with those big brown eyes so full of fear making me melt; my poor girl had been through so much I didn’t know how to make it better for her. She was so scared, so vulnerable, I’d never seen her like this as long as I lived and I never wanted to see her like this again. Try as she might to hide it from everyone, although she didn’t do a very good job, everyone could see how afraid she was at everything around her. Everyone knew that the Harley we had all known and loved was gone forever, that god awful woman made sure of that. All we had to do now was make sure she was safe, comfortable and let her deal with everything when she was ready.

If I knew one thing it was Harley and even as scared as she was now, she was strong, a fighter, she was the strongest most resilient person I had ever met and I had no doubt in my head when the babies had been born, when the dust had settled and she was able to deal with the horrors she’d gone through she’d be stronger than ever, stronger and angrier than I’d ever known. I could see glimmers of rage when certain things were mentioned but she held back, she held back from everyone, everyone but me.

I couldn’t be more proud and in love with her, she was my little fighter and I would do anything and everything in my power to help her though all this and if that meant treating her like I did before I would, she didn’t wanted me to pussy foot around her, I wouldn’t, she didn’t wanted me to treat her like she was made of glass I wouldn’t, well as far as she knew I wouldn’t .Don’t get me wrong it would be hard all I wanted to do was pull her into my arms, run upstairs with her and lock her in that room and never let her out, never let anyone around her but I knew I couldn’t, I knew everyone loved her as much as me, that everyone wanted her safe but anything she wanted she would get and I’d try as hard as I could to make sure I didn’t suffocate her. 

Slowly helping her sit forward so I could unclip my belt I felt her sigh with nerves, moving her hands from me and cradling her massive bump protectively all the while her dad waiting for her, Harry had run inside already for god knows what. I knew that her family and mine would be there but I hoped to god they hadn’t been so stupid as to plan a party or anything that would upset her. All I knew was that she wanted to get in and get that door locked as quickly as possible.

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