She decided not to worry about it, they were clearly doing no harm and even brightened her spirits, this was a wonderful thing this stranger was doing and she couldn't help but to wonder if this person ever intended to show themselves.


Jungkook was overjoyed as he "just happened" to find her displaying his artwork over the mantle in her living room. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned against the kitchen counter. He was completely preoccupied with this woman lately and he didn't regret it all, even if he hadn't been paying attention to the video conferences about the upcoming show, which would royally cost him, but he didn't care. The last two days he hadn't been worth much as he day dreamed about his mysterious neighbor with the angelic voice. He folded his arms and a smile came to his face as he reveled in watching her happily take several pictures of the gift he made specifically for her.

Suddenly, the light flicked on and he jumped, "NO!"

Yoongi, who had just walked into the kitchen, was now experiencing heart attack symptoms as he clutched his chest. He swiped at the light switch and growled, "You nearly killed me, I'm not so young anymore, you know."

"Sorry, I just....I just need the lights off." Jungkook stammered, looking away.

"You're still spying on that chick? Why don't you just go over there and talk to her?"

Jungkook laughed nervously, "Not gonna happen."


Later that evening, she heard another knock at the door and bolted towards her bedroom window to try and catch a glimpse of this "Jungkook". She saw a hooded figure run away from her porch and slip behind a hedge of bushes that lead to the other house. She lost sight of him until their living room light turned on, exposing the no-longer-hooded man and two other men in the doorway. Her "Jungkook" had dark stylish hair, bangs in his eyes, a chain around his neck and expensive looking clothes. She looked to the other men standing there and before she could size them up the light flicked off. Well then.

Could he really be the Jungkook she was thinking of?

The gift this time was a simple rose, laid carefully on its side and wrapped in a paper towel. She admired the rose that had put a permanent smile on her face as she placed it in a glass of water on the mantle.


The next afternoon was bright and sunny and the thought of Jungkook, whomever he was, lifted her spirits and she decided to take a walk around the place and maybe even dip her toes in the lake.

She wondered if Jungkook was watching her as she headed towards the lake and then immediately reprimanded herself.

Why would you be so special that he would sit around all day just to watch you?

She rolled her eyes at herself for thinking such a way as she stepped near the edge of the lake to sit down. Her foot landed on a particular slimy part of the grass and she lost her footing, scratching at the air to regain her control and letting out a squeal did nothing for her as she slid right into the water. Kerplunk!

She splashed into the water and her head went under briefly, before she was able to swim to the surface. She treaded water for a moment, taking in what just happened to her, glad that she wasn't special enough for anyone to watch her as that could have been embarrassing.

She grabbed onto the slimy grass, cringing to herself and started to pull herself up when two strong hands grabbed her wrists and pulled her effortlessly onto the grass and away from the edge. Scratch that, it most definitely was embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" He asked as she held onto to her hero's arms for balance. She lifted her head and met his eyes, a sincerely concerned look on his face.

His face.

His dark eyes, his soft, pink lips. The scar on his cheek. It was most definitely Jeon Jungkook, but this didn't freak her out like she had thought it would. He didn't look glamorous or perfect, his eyes weren't defined by make up and his hair was wispy.

"Thank you, I'm good. Just a little shook."

"I'm sorry if I scared you, I saw you fall, I wasn't sure if you could swim. I'll leave now, be careful." He turned on his heels to run away, he  thought he was saving her when he heard her scream, but he was only exposing himself as her stalker, an overreacting stalker at that.

"Wait, don't go, please?" She asked him as she took a step forward, nervously fiddling with her hands. She suddenly realized her hair was matted to her face and she tried to fluff it back up. He turned back around reluctantly, pouting as if she was going to yell at him. She saw his face, relaxing her stance and giving him a smile, "It's okay, thank you. I might not have gotten out of there without you." She pointed behind her, "The grass was so slimy and all."

He bowed slightly, "You're welcome." When he said nothing else a lump started in her throat, she wasn't usually the one to keep a conversation going, but at the risk of an even longer awkward stare between them, she jumped right in.

"A-are you the one that sent me those things?"

His eyes widened a little and he looked away from her, ashamed. He was ready for anything she had to throw at him, calling him a stalker, creep or even that she was going to sue him. Namjoon had told him to mind his own business and this is where it got him.

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