Chapter 4

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Nathaniel POV

I drove to June's apartment. Getting out of the car I saw a sign on the door. When I got close it wrote: 'Apartment for rent' What the fuck. Who wants to rent this out. I tore the paper on the door off. I have a spare key so I opened the door and walked in.

Everything,was gone. Her things were no where to be found. I guess her mum got it out. It only been a week and everywhere seemed deserted. I walked around touching, observing the place. Dust everywhere. It had so many memories.
I got to her room. A mirror there which showed my shameless face.

I couldn't save the one I love. I can't believe she trusted me. How can I claim to love her,if I can't even protect her. I took a candle from the dress table and smashed the mirror. I can't look at me no more.


" Fuck!!!!!" I shouted.
" June... Why'd you have to leave me. I gave you no permission to."

I got to the rooftop of the building,it was already night time.

If I can't be with you here June. I'll meet you at the other side.

I got to the edge of the rooftop. Looking at the height of the building,I was already feeling dizzy. A tear drop fell on my face. I can do this. This is for you...June.

Five months ago on this very rooftop.

June and I on the rooftop, washing some clothes. I currently fought with my dad,so I was staying with her for a while.

I watched her currently drying the clothes on the line. She was so beautiful. The sun shun on her bringing out her beauty even more. She looks at me staring.

" Baby.." She called.

" Yes?" I answered.

" What's your dream?" She asked me drying some more clothes.

" Dreams? There's no such thing. I don't have such." I answer her.

Who believes in dreams anymore.

" Who doesn't have dreams? You're just too lazy to think." She said coming towards me.

" I want to get as much inheritance as I can from my old man,and live life as I want to" I dropped the cloth I was currently washing and stood up.

She got close and pulled my ear.

" Ow." I grabbed my ear faking the pain.

" You're so bad" she scolds.

I laughed at that.

Yeah I'm bad. Real bad for you.

" There was a time when my old man used to smile,now he owns so much,he only gets angry. At least I have to take some from him, maybe he'll smile once more." I told her.

We were now facing one another one feet apart.

" what about you? What's your dream?" I asked her.

She smiled and got even closer to me.

" I..." She held my hand. We were now  inches apart.
" ...want to die one day before you." She said.


" Seriously?" I pushed her hand away.
" Do you really have to say that?"

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