Chapter 10

31 11 7

The joy and pain in having a child.....

Jade pov

" one,two, three,four,five,six,seven,eight" early in the morning by 7 am we were woken up for exercises. We were doing squats.

We were given a trainee.

" that's enough! Next...." I could've sworn he was talking but I couldn't hear exactly what he was saying.

Wait, what's with the ground? Why's it moving closer. I feel light-headed.


" Prisoner 208?" I hear faintly but I can't respond. I feel so tired. Before I knew it everything blacked out.

"208? 208! " I hear again. This time I'm able to move. But...where am I? Okay? I seem to be on a soft surface. What's going on? I opened my eyes at the sound of the name given to me in prison.

I stood up in a rush,but I was immediately pulled back by my right hand. I was handcuffed to the bed. Am I in.......?

"Do you get dizzy often?" A woman in lab coat asked me. I guess I'm in clinic.

I looked at her confused.

" When was your last menstrual period?" She questions again.

"Huh?" I was so lost on what was happening.

"Pfft looks like she's not even aware of anything."

Um what was your first clue?

" Excuse me?" I question

" You're pregnant" she break the news to me fast.

" What?" I seem to have lost it.

" Do you have anyone to contact, maybe like the father of the child?" She asked me.

" No" I say in a whisper.
" I don't." I placed my free hand on my stomach,gave it a rub with a smile on my face remembering the night William and I shared.



The sound of Nathaniel's phone ringing could be heard, he rolls to the edge of the bed where he placed his phone.

"Yes!" He picked up aggressively. He didn't like to be woken up.

" What'd you say?"
" She's what?" Jesse on the other end answers again.

"Well,well, well. Jade Shipman is ... Pregnant?" Suddenly Nathan finds himself smiling.

"This is interesting" he cuts off the phone.

At the hospital where William was, waiting on Jade's father's treatment. Received a phone call from the prison clinic. He got the news that Jade is pregnant. Before he knew it he felt a sharp pain of guilt. He began to tear up. He was helpless, he couldn't help his girlfriend and now she's going to have his child in prison. What kind of life was this he thought.


8½ months later

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