Chapter 16

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Suspicious William.....

William pov

Trying to win against people that have money and power is a waste of time, because eventually you loose everything. Going against a politician was not my best choice.

My boss suddenly became suspicious of me. I don't know who is threatening my job, but it's ever since I accepted the case against him,and now I'm under investigations. Something I do to people!

Seated in a round table with some other lawyers. One starts to talk. All of them face me.

" I'm a special prosecutor Brian Rivera " he introduced. I think he's the one in charge of my case?

I nod at this and he proceeds.

" Assembly man Daniel trit stated a suspicion that the prosecution office had conducted entrapment at this office, regarding this statement, we are going to investigate to determine the have submitted your motive of investigation have you not?"

" Yes " I answered.

I walked out of the building, when a man called me.

" Mr William?"

" Yea?" I answered.

He smiles and said.
" Can you spare me a moment of your time?" He asked me.

He took me to an office. The building was pretty big. I followed him inside when he opened the door for me.

" This will be your spot, this is assembly man Daniel trit overseas account information."

How's he related to this?

" What is the reason you're handling this over?" I asked.

" Why don't you come work at the k-group headquarters?" He asked smiling.
" And think of this information as a kind of a contractual deposit. " He hands me the file.

" Do I look easy to you?" I asked not collecting the file.

" You don't seem easy,but  you look desperate." He smiles at me.
" Put cuffs on assembly man Daniel trit once again and quit your job.  And this office will be yours. "

" I'll think about it." I walk out on him.

I went back to my work place, since the investigation I've not been given anything to do. Once you have power and money it's seem you can get your way.

" Man when do we finish all these?" Jude walks in and goes directly to the woman at my front, she seems busy already, why doesn't he just give it to me?
" We're going to work through the night again." He complained and placed it on her desk.

" Mr Jude let me handle these" I stood up to meet him.

" The boss told us not to give you anything while you're being investigated." He smiles sadly.
I only nodded and walked out. I needed some fresh air.

Resting on one of the pavement, and thinking about when it all went wrong. I didn't notice when Elizabeth was beside me. She startled me a little.

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