Chapter 22

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William pov

" Even though they'll continue with the investigation, the prosecution won't be able to attack openly. However, it'll behoove us to be more careful of incidents that may cause rumors to fly." I explained to Mr King.

" Rumors?" He asked.

" The thing that represents the most danger to k group isn't the prosecution but Mr Nathaniel king." I said.

" Mr William" his right hand man called my name.

Mr King used his hand to shut him up.

" Keep talking." He says to me.

" The opinion of boards of directors about Mr Nathaniel king isn't all friendly. The deteriorating hotel operation has already surfaced, and there is a limit to what Elizabeth Stark can block. They know best about your deteriorating health, chairman...." Once again his right hand man interrupted me.

" Lawyer Willam what is this nonsense?" I faced him this time.

" You know better than anyone as to how many times the chairman has traveled to Germany.
At first, I investigated it thinking that the trips were related to investments overseas. But they weren't." Then I faced the chairman.
" Chairman, what is your ailment and how serious is it? Your son has a long way to go before he can solidify his position as k group successor."

He thought about it for a sec. Then faces his right hand man.

" Nathaniel is in his room correct? Please take him there so he can talk some sense into that boy." He turned to me.
" His pride's got to be wounded to become strong."

He took me to a study.

" He's coming in soon, wait a bit."

" Okay" I said.

" Don't spew whatever comes to your mind and always watch your mouth" then he left me there.

I smirk.

I'm going to the top and no one will stop me. I look around the study. I saw a book on the table opened it and saw some pictures. All of them containing I and Jade intimate moments. Remembering what he said about knowing more than I think I know that he knows. He has been trailing me?

" I wonder what's he's doing in a room without an owner?" I heard his voice. He was by the door.

I dropped the pictures I was holding back and went close to him.

" What happened to the difference proceed after selling off the hotel's ballooned share price?" I asked. I opened the file I was holding.
" There's information that you've suppressed the labor Union in JJ hotel. Despite the recommendation of the regional labor Union committee. This can lead to suspension of business, are you at least aware of it?" I attack.

" Isn't that why I hired you, to take care of matters like that?" He said and walked to his desk.

" This is the kind of incident that can determine several thousands' livelihood. You should look at it with bit more sincerity." I said.

" Who the hell are you to lecture me? I think you're blind to this mistaken reality of yours. The person who knows better than anyone about people's livelihood is me, the president. All you have to do is to do what you're told, Mr William." He said.

I put smiled.

" I understand. As for Ms Jade Shipman, she's someone I loved at a point. So don't treat her cavalierly. I'm not sure what plan you're devising with her,but there won't be a second time that I'll become your fiddle." I said and was walking out. He already knows the truth about us so why not.

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