chapter 26

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Jade pov.

I waited and waited for Willam to come out. I waited four hours for him to come out, it'd started raining by then, thirty minutes later, he drove out, I ran to his front making him stop immediately.

I forcefully got into his car and he drove off.
" That day you were with my dad. Or no?" I ask again.

" Yes, I saw him. He got in the car. But kept trying to get out. I stopped the car on the shoulder to avoid an accident, but he just ran out of the car." He said.

" Lies." I said.

" It was raining and there were a lot of people so I couldn't find him." He continued.
" So, do you want to blame me?"

" Lies" I repeat.

" So what if I'm lying? So what if I threw him out your dad? So what? The one who couldn't take care of your dad is you. You're the one who didn't agree to send him to a nursing home! It was for your greed and satisfaction!" He shouts.

" My dad, trusted you..." I said.

" Yes. Yes. And I'm sick of that. So? So what if I didn't go after him? So what?"

" Stop the car." He didn't stop.
" I said stop this car!" I pushed his hand off the staring making us drive roughly on the road. He finally hit the brakes.

" How could you do that to me?
How could you?! To my dad?!" I began hitting him not caring where. He pushed me away.
" Because you were sick of it, is that why you took Bright away too and left him to die?" I asked.

" What are you talking about?" He asked.
" You really did go crazy."

I went out of his car and went to his side. Not minding the rain. I opened his door and dragged him out successfully. We were in the middle of the road now.

" How can I not go crazy? How can you act so normal? Kneel"

He looked at me. Rain pouring heavily on us.

" Kneel down, beg for forgiveness, to my dad and Bright!" I try to force him but he pushed my hands away.

" If I kneel down, will you disappear?" He asked.

I gave him a slap on his face.
" I don't want to live looking back anymore, you're there at the end, in the back, everywhere! You're holding onto me it's disgusting!" He shouts.

" Disgusting? Me?"

" I was arrogant when I said I could make you happy. You said you don't regret it? I regret it!!! That day! The day when you said you would go in place of me. If I had left you then, I wouldn't be regretting it now." He shouts.

I have him another slap on his face.
" will start from this moment. Till I rip your heart's out with regret, and I'll make it happen. Watch it carefully! So that you never forget me, my baby and my dad that thought of you as his own son, I'll make it so that you can never forget! Disappear from you?! Don't even dream about it. Wherever you go, I'll be there. You'll see me untill you're sick to death! Don't think about running away." I let out.

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