Kitana x Fem!Reader

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Requested by @harleyyguinnqt updates are slower as per usual, because of online classes and a stressful depressing thing called l i f e. Anyway, enjoyy!


How hard is it to keep an unruly relationship secret?

Well very hard apparently, I mean you were dating a princess, or queen? It was rather hard to tell. But to you she was both.

A badass, beautiful princess/queen.

However, it made it especially hard to keep it secret because,sl she was royalty and you were just a peasant.

Well not literally, just figuratively.

In your eyes you were a peasant to low for her.

What made it even harder was that you were a female.

You knew that many wouldn't have liked that, especially, Shao Kahn.

Others might have been accepting, but you were both wary, and cautious of the rest who weren't.

In this fine and cool morning however, you decided to pay a short visit to your love, Kitana.

She was always up and early to train herself and get stronger than she already was at fighting.

This meant that you both had had time to yourselves, with no one else around to bother you two.

Walking to the tree for some slight shade against the early morning sun, you sat down on a flat surfaced rock. Watching your love train herself.

Wistfully sighing, you rested your head on your wrists and kept your arms steady on your knees. A smile softly widening across your lips.

"Morning, my sweet." You greeted, watching her graceful posture, and movements. Her deadly fans adding to that grace.

Smiling as she threw her fans to a makeshift doll or tree, nearly splitting it open. The loud crack adding to its untimely demise of a fatality.

Sighing as she began to rest, Kitana turned to you, "Ahh.. Good morning my love." She greeted back to you, taking a seat next on the ground next to you.

Sitting up straight, you smiled as she rested her head on your lap. Gently, you began to rub and pet her head.

Her hair soft against your fingers.

"Your training is lovely and deadly as ever." You complimented her, her response only being a soft yet sweet chuckle.

"My love, you know I must train. I need to if I ever want to be a better ruler for outworld." Kitana responded quietly. A sigh leaving her lips as she reached for your hand to hold.

Softly taking her hand, you gave her palm a gentle and reassuring squeeze.

"My sweet, you are going be the best queen there is to rule outworld. No doubt about it." You smiled at her, knowing how heavy the crown weighed uptop her head and shoulders.

You could only hope that you would be beside her until that day came.

However your time together had be forcefully cut short when a loud set of footsteps came to you both.

"What is the meaning of this!?" A loud and deep voice called out.

A loud gasp escaped from you and Kitana as you both rushed, and hurried to stand and turn to see who it was.

Kitana quickly realized it was Shao Kahn. His skull mask, large build, and his deep mascukine voice making it obvious it was him.

"Shao Kahn." Kitana began. Her voice nearly seething through her teeth.

"What is this? Who is she!?" He began asking.

You only watched as you stood close to your love. You knew she was one hell of a fighter, but you would do all you can to protect her from his wrath. Even if it meant losing your life to him.

Kitana however was the same with you, she held you close to her protectively, in fear of the unknown things Shao Kahn could possibly do, or act out.

He was after all, unpredictable.

"We.. Were just talking, as close friends would." Kitana answered, tightening her hold on you.

He growled lowly, "It seems as you were more than just 'close friends'." He stated,leaning to get face to face with you, causing you to step or lean back from him as a quick reaction.

"That's right!" You responded, "Kitana is my lover and there's nothing you can do about it!" You hissed at him.

"Is that right?" He questioned, before growling, and tossing you aside from Kitana.

"This is unruly, and unacceptable. Kitana is of higher power than you are. You're just a lowly peasant!" He stated as he walked over to you, his footsteps loud as if he were stomping on the ground.

Kitana saw his threatening posture, and ran between you two to allow you some time to compose yourself and get up.

"I may be of royalty, and peasant or not, you will not lay a hand on my beloved (y/n)!" She quickly stated. Her voice full of certainty, and assertive love.

Shao Kahn took a step back, and grumbled lowly, his eyes narrowing as he began to turn away, "Very well. You can keep your.. 'Pet.'" He distastefully spat, walking off tPeace somewhere else.

Sighing heavily, Kitana quickly rushed to your side, and dusted your clothes off. "Are you okay? That was.. Quite a rough push.." She asked softly, looking over you for any scratches or bruises, but finding none.

You shook your head, "I'm alright.. But- he called me pet." You responded. "I am not a pet, but I will be a wild animal to kick his ass if I ever got the chance!" You yelled past her unsure if Shao Kahn was still around the area.

Kitana laughed, and shook her head, "My love do calm down. He's long gone. And its just the two us now." She spoke softly. Her hand finding its way into yours.

Looking at her, you smiled, and began to walk along the sandfilled temple, the two of you certain of your shared love and affection.

Happy, and elated to be eloped with one another despite being the same gender, and of different ranks.

Even years and ages apart.

Because although Kitana seem young, she was in fact.. Thousands of years old.

You just didn't care.

You loved her, and that was that.

I killed my brain writing this and doing online classwork at the same time. But I hope you enjoyed it!

Take care and stay fresh cheese bags.

Peace out bitches!

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