Smoke x Reader

929 17 10

Requested by @DinoFlame

Smoke dont smoke, smoking can kill you!

Sorry for the long wait, I've got a loooong list of requests, but I wanted to do this one cuz my boi smoke needs some love too!


Smoke, Tomas Vbrada, Enenra.

Whatever name he had, he was still the same man to you. And you loved him unconditionally.

Watching him fight against his best friend Tundra or mostly known as Sub zero, you couldn't take your eyes off his figure, or even him for that matter.

Sitting in the auditorium or the audience benches, you rested your head on your hands while resting your elbows on your knees, in doing so you refused to move your gaze from him.

During his fight, Smoke noticed you from the corners of his eyes. He hadn't realized you'd been there since the beginning of the fight.

Unknowingly to you, he had a little small school boy crush on you, but in his case, "Little" was an understatement.

He had a HUGE crush on you, so you being there to watch him fight made even more determined to win against Sub-Zero.

After the fight, it was announced that he had in fact won. Bowing to Tundra, he made his way towards you and nearly sprinted up the stairs to where you were sitting.

To your surprise, you hadn't expected Smoke to walk, let alone sprint towards you.

Trying to appeal casual or normal, you took a quick moment to a second to clear your throat and waved at him.

"Heyy Smoke. That was some nice fighting you did there." you spoke softly as a small smile started to form from the corner of your lips.

Smiling under his mask, smoke chuckled and sat down beside you, "Thank you, (y/n)."

Quickly turning away from his half covered face, you found yourself blushing. The heat and red tint in your cheeks an obvious hint that you were.

Noticing this, Smoke tried his best to contain his chuckle, and kept his blush hidden from you.

Cuz y'know?

His mask.

Even with his blush hidden, he couldn't do anything to hide the rapid heartbeats thumping in his chest as he stared at your blushing form.

Releasing a shy chuckle, you brought your arm to scratch your shoulder, before turning your head to face him.

"So um, heh, I-I was wondering. If you're not busy, mayyybe we can- I dunno- Go out...Sometimee?" your voice soft yet filled with a slight hint of shyness as you were asking him out.

Softly gazing into your (e/c) eyes, he felt calm yet excited. He had planned to ask you out for sometime, and here you were doing just that.

Taking off his mask, he could feel the corners of his lips tugging into a wide smile, nodding his head.

"(Y/N), I would love to go out with you sometime." his voice full of sincerity as he spoke.

Without you realizing, his hand slowly found itself intertwined with yours.

Smiling at each other, you gazed into each other eyes, and little by little you both began to close the large gap between you both.

Until you felt a soft pair of lips connecting with yours.

Pulling away, you stood and waved as you started walking away.

Turning momentarily to look at him, you smiled and finger gunned at him. (hehehe Heeyy~ *fingerGuns*) You spoke a little loud just for him to hear you.

"Its a date then!" you giggled.

And with that you turned and sprinted away, with Smoke watching your figure become smaller and smaller until you disappeared from his view.

An even wider smile on his face, before going back to Sub-Zero for another practice fight.

Just MORTAL KOMBAT things.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ