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I have something to confess.
But first.
I present.
My top 10 favorite MK characters.

1. Rain
2. Ermac
3. Noob Saibot
4. Sub-Zero
5. Scorpion
6. Kenshi
7. Fujin
8. Raiden
9. Smoke
And last but not least.
10. Young Shujinko

Okay now for my confession.

As I once said to my Friend.
"I'm gay for all my manz's."
But I realized something.
They're either dead, or was once dead.
Fucking Rain is dead, Ermac is dead, Kenshi is dead, etc etc.

And I seem to have crushes on characters who had only small parts in the Mortal Kombat series, to which is kinda sad cuz they're good characters.

But then a question appeared in my mind as I was playing MK11.

"Does that make me a necrophiliac? Or is that normal to like/love something if they're dead, or used to be dead."

I get it if it's not in a weird way.

Like, "oh my manz is dead, big sad he'll still live on forever in my heart and the games, and all that cliche bullshit."

But not like, "oh well they're all dead, but I still love them to the point where I'm considered a necrophiliac." 
For example.

Would I fuck them if they were dead?


No I wouldn't.

Yet that question still remains in my mind.

Just how far do people go with shit like this?

Or is it just me that thinks this?

Because I'm curious to know.

Anyway that's all for now.

K bye.

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