Raiden X Reader

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Hellooo again!

As I stated before I have a few requests from @RobynanneAndre
So here the next chapter!

Again as before, I'm still in the mood for ✨️angst and edgy✨️

This chapters just gonna be on a more lighthearted end.

so without further ado..




A curse thrown upon the unlucky few who were killed, or died in tragic instances; then reanimated as the undead.

Kind of like zombies, but with motor and brain functions. Like being able to talk, retain memories, you get the gist.

Anyways, speaking of Revanants, Jade, Jax, Liu Kang, all those great warriors who fought until their tragic demise?

Yeah they're undead.

Oh yeah, I am too.

Cast into the void of nothingness, I was brought back as an undead warrior only meant to the bidding of Shao Kahn, or Quan Chi.

And it sucks.

Those guys have major issues, they should a therapist. (Yeah me too.) At least.. that's why I say.

But yeah, I'm a revanant now, and you can guess who it was that killed me, but youre wrong.

No one did, I sacrificed myself to save the one I cared about most.


Now I know what you're thinking, probably not but it's a guess, 'But y/n, why? Isn't he responsibility most deaths?' Well yes.

But can you blame the poor guy?

Maybe, but not fully.

He'd been through a lot, and I know Gods aren't supposed to be closer than friends, but I could see he needed more than a friend.

He deals with so much, I wanted to help him carry some of the weight he had on his big.. strong.. er uhh.. shoulders.


Moving on..

So, I died.

Sacrifice, you know?

Just another daily occurrence in the life of mortal kombat.

Oh yeah, I should mention how I died,..

Well If I can remember it's heh, been awhile but from what I remember, I was fighting alongside Raiden during the tournaments, and as usual chaos breaks out, Yada Yada yada.. so there I am fighting alongside my friends and Raiden.

When in the middle of it all, we're cornered and trapped, so me being the genius I am, stayed behind to fight while I gave the chance for everyone to escape.

"No y/n!!" Raidens words echoed in my head.

"You don't have to do this!" He exclaimed.

Of course I didn't have to, but I chose to.

Yes.. It hurt looking back at him, struggling to free himself from the others holding him back.

But Everyone has a choice.

And mine was to give my life to save his and many others.

Hah, pretty cliché huh?

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