Itssss SpoOKy MoNth!!

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YaY sPoOKy MoNth is HeRe and iTs AwEsOme! As always. Hehe

Aight moving on.

Anyway, waddup losers of the loser club, or non-losers of the non-loser club.

Ehhhh I don't care really, whether or not your a loser, or cool, or wtf y'all call yourselves today or back in the early 00's.

I'm trash. I will always be trash.

But I don't care.

I'm me.

And your you.

That's all that matters.

Everyone is booful in their own way.

Unless your psychotic or over obsessive like me and awkward as fuck, and so on...

ANYWAY. On to the real point.

Serious delays in new chapters.

Sorry about that.

But I'm just really fucking lazy with ZeRo motivation to do shit.


I will have 5 chapters released soon.

I'm currently working on one at the moment.

By "working" I mean just staring at my phone and trying to think of how to continue the story so I don't fuck it up.

So yes, 5 new chapters soon!

(5 🍋's)

Anyway that's all for now!

Stay fresh cheese bags.

K bye!

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