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Ayyyee guess who's back- m e

(Not really, y'all know imma be alive then d e ad the next)


Late MERRY Chrysler, CRISIS, Jesus day- Christmas whatever-

And happy New Years!

hopefully- a better year for us all.

Hope y'all are well, got good gifts or are grateful for what you have.

Sorry I'm d e ad, imma try to be u h more active- sadly however ive moved on from Mortal Kombat, and into  AhEm


Guess what- I'mmm RobOseXual now

Kahshajs (I'm just gay for Robots now apparently)

ITs taKing oVeR my liFE hHNn

Anyway- books not gonna be discontinued- just the usual slow updates-

Thats all- Haply New years! Ya Cheese bags, and as always Stay fresh-

P e a ce.

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