Erron Black x Reader

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Requested by @Yowhatup200
Hope you Enjoy!

Erron was unlike any other Cowboy you've seen, or could've ever met in your life. For instance, he was at LEAST more than 100 years old. And no other cowboy you met was that old. And for sure none were skilled in guns and firearms like he was.

And hoo-boy was he an amazing sharp-shooter. Although he was old, he was sexy as hell. Who knew 100 year old Cowboys could be hot?
I mean, am I right? Or am I right? Goddamn, Erron was just so, so hot.

Outworld was a bit different from EarthRealm, Kotal had different laws, and different ways of dealing with theft, murder, and so forth. Since it was also very dangerous, Erron made sure you stayed in EarthRealm. It was strange for a hardy, cowboy like Erron to care about something that didn't include money, or killing.

Given his history with Skarlet, and Nitara; who was long gone, or never heard from again, he cared about you very deeply. He never admitted it out loud, let alone to anyone except you. But in truth he was a caring guy, who just wanted you to be safe Even if that included that he would be far from home, and in some other place not in EarthRealm.

Given the chance to visit you from work, he decided to surprise you.

Grinning and giggling, Erron placed a blindfold over your eyes to keep you from seeing the surprise he had planned for you. Once he tied a secure knot, he slowly grabbed your hand in his, and began leading you somewhere. As the curious child you were, you wanted to know what the surprise was, and every time you asked reply would always be, "Sweetheart, a surprise ain't a surprise if you reveal it before even seeing what it is."

As if made by a cowboy god in the farthest and hottest part of the desert, he was perfect. His voice was perfect. The way his accent was so smooth, and slick. Like it was a lullaby that can put you to sleep with comforting words, and phrases.

Watching your step as he lead you to the surprise, he quickly took off the blindfold, and blinking your eyes as you adjusted to the brightness of the clear sky, and bright sun, you gasped.

Scanning your eyes over the area, you noticed a blanket, a case full of food and dessert, wine in a cool ice bucket, and a mid-sized cake, creamy and frosted, topped with fruit as decorations in the middle. Erron's surprise to you was a picnic date.  Looking over to him you smiled, as he spoke, "Well darlin' what do you think?" You sighed as you walked over to him, and slinked your arm around his.

Leaning your head on his shoulder you giggled, "Oh Erron, it's a wonderful surprise!" You softly kisses his cheek, then held his hand as you pulled him to sit down. "I love it."  Chuckling, he sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you close. "I'm glad you do, cuz there'll be more surprises where that came from." He knew that living in Outworld to protect Kotal was sometimes long, dangerous and more. But he never once missed a chance to think of you.

He would plan more surprises for you, and just you, to make up for te time separated by his job, and the long distances.

And each time he did, you were happy to have found the most caring, and loyal yet wild, cowboy.

Hope you liked it! I still have one more unfinished story, and sadly I had writers block with it.
I think I've found a setting for it, but we'll see.

K bye!

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