Baraka x Reader *LemOn*

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Requested by @MgMagnesium
Sorry for the seriously long wait, so here ya go!
Again im sorry..Enjoy!
Baraka, ugh that ugly mofo with a toothy grin made you wonder, just what the fuck were you even thinking.

You didn't know how, or why it happened.

But it happened.

And no one could believe it.

You had fallen for the average height, Tarkatan Male, whose arm blades, sharper than a hunting knife no less, could easily cut you with a single touch.

And yet, here you were at the entrance to The Tarkatan Campsite where all Tarkatans lived, fought and died for.


Just like anyone else, they fought for their rights, equality, and for their place.

After losing their home to the deadbeat whatever the fuck he is, Kotal Kahn-hence banishing them all.

Baraka wanted a place for his tribe and 'people' to live in peace and hunt for their food and families.

Walking through the camp, your eyes glanced around and noticed that, maybe all Tarkatans weren't as bad they seemed.

Some had families, and children, wives and husbands talking, laughing and walking around the camp just having a good time.

Once you made it past the somewhat small camps, you finally made it to the one you had been looking for... Baraka's Tent.

Standing by the tents entrance, your chest felt heavy, heart beating as if loud drums could be heard in every direction.

You took deep breaths to try and calm your heart down from the anticipation of seeing Baraka.

You once pondered in the thought of how someone in your class aka human, could fall for an ugly beast like Baraka? His pointy jagged teeth capable of biting into a humans skull, and crushing it with his bare teeth is something others didn't like about him, he was an animal.

But you thought he was just misunderstood.

Clearing your throat, you proceeded to enter his tent, "Baraka?" You called out, your eyes glancing around the place for any sign of him.

Sighing, you slowly entered. And began looking around, you noticed his place was spacious.

In one area he had a lone table, on it were scattered and slightly torn papers, a piece of his torn flag, and other things.

In another area were weapons, long spears or staffs, you figured he just had for decoration since he mostly used his arms blades to fight with.

All in all, it was a very nice and tidy place, minus the messy Table.

Feeling as if you were invading his privacy, you decided to leave and come back later.

Once you opened the door flaps, you were met with a familiar face; startled, you jumped back, and flinched in fear. "OH! Jesus... Baraka, it's just you." You slowly calmed yourself down, to stop the quick thumps of your heart.

His large and bare teeth gave you a small fright, but that feeling was soon replaced with a calm feeling. The angry appearing male, looked at you. His gaze unmoving as you stood still.

"You invaded my privacy y/n." His voice growled. His steps almost heavy as he walked slowly towards you. You kept backing up, and moving away from Baraka.

Just MORTAL KOMBAT things.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن