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~Kenna's POV~

      I'm with Danny, Aragon and Freki by my sides. They're not as nervous as they usually are. I'm not sure why, but it's kind of like our moods are connected or something. Not all the time of course but sometimes I feel hungry when they do or I feel angry when they snarl or bark. 

      There's people chattering, bird and other animals making loud noises. I've been out of it recently today. The woman talks to the Khaleesi, "And you must visit the night market. The Qartheen night market is like no night market you've ever seen." I look around and see all the other dothraki just standing around, confused. Doreah though is talking to a few people, mostly men. 

      Danny responds, "It sounds wonderful." Me and Danny both look at another Dothraki man as the woman continues, "The Meereens think they have a night market. I will take you there myself." Dany smiles, "Please, excuse me for a moment." I follow her as she makes her way to Jorah and the two other Dothraki that are poking a golden peacock with their blades. Danny asks, "What are they doing?" Jorah explains, "Malakko says the statue is too heavy to carry. Kovarro says that Malakko is an idiot. They can pry out the gems, the rest is pure gold. Very soft. He can chop off as much as we can carry." Kovarro nods and Danny looks at him like he's crazy; I don't blame her. 

      Kovarro says, in Dothraki, "Or melt it. Very simple." Danny says, "We are his guests! You can't pry it or chop it or melt it." Kovarro says, "Of course not, Khaleesi! We will wait until we leave." She insists, "No even when we leave. He asks, "Why not?" I laugh and they look at me. I shake my head and look around. 

      Danny says, "Our host saved us from the Red Waste and you want to steal from him? I will hear no more." Both men nod and leave. Jorah is the only one that stayed. Danny says, "My brother used to say the only thing the Dothraki knew how to do was steal things better men have built." Jorah says, "It's not the only thing. They're quite good at killing the better men." Danny says, "That's not the kind of Queen I'm going to be." 

      One of the thirteen, a man who looks to be dead already, calls out, "Mother of Dragons. On behalf of the warlocks of Qarth, I welcome you." He holds his hand out, "A demonstration?" She takes it, nervous, "Take this gem. Look at it. Into it's depths. So many facets. Look closely and you can see yourself in them." He turns around and there's another one of him. He continues, "Often more than once." Everyone gasps. 

      He says, "Should you grow tired of Xaro's baubles and trinkets, it would be an honor to host you at the house of the Undying. You're always welcome, Mother of Dragons." They leave and people clap. Xaro comes from behind us, "My apologies. Pyat Pree is one of the Thirteen. It was customary to extend him an invitation. Customs die slow deaths in Qarth." I ask, "What is the house of the Undying?"

      He responds, "It is where the warlocks go to squint at dusty books and drink shade of the evening. It turns their lips blue and their minds soft--so soft, they actually believe their parlor tricks are magic." Danny laughs and Xaro puts his hand on her back as they walk. I follow them while Jorah stays back. 

      I'm getting nauseous and sort of dizzy again, so I'm not able to focus. Xaro is walking with Daenerys alone now and I'm a little bit behind them. Xaro says, "So, tell me, how long has your manservant been in love with you?" Is he talking about Jorah?

      She responds, "He's not my manservant and he's not in love with me. He's my advisor, my friend." Xaro says, "Unlikely. I can almost always tell what a man wants." Danny asks, "And what about what a woman wants?" He answers, "Much more complicated. You, for example, what do you want?" Danny replies, "To cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne."

      He asks, "Why?" She states, "Because I promised my Khalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home." He laughs. What's so funny about that? She just wants the best for her people. He asks, "You want to conquer the seven kingdoms for the Dothraki?" She says more forcefully, "I want them because they're mine by right. The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it." He looks at her, "Ah, a conqueror." She asks, looking around, "And how did you get all of this? Did someone give it to you?" He replies, "No. I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo, except someone normally cares what happens to cargo."

      She asks, "So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror too, just less ambitious." He chuckles and I smile. She asks him, "What do you want, Xaro Xhoan Daxos? At the gates of the city, you bled for me. Why?" He holds his hand out, "I will show you why." She takes it and he starts leading her somewhere. I don't trust him; something seems off. 

      He clangs onto a vault door and says, "The door and the vault is made of Valyrian stone. The hardest steel does not make a mark. I offered the greatest locksmiths in Qarth their weight in gold if they could break into it. I made the same offer to the greatest thieves. They all went home empty-handed. The only thing that could open this door is this key." He holds up the key around his neck. 

      I ask, "What's behind the door?" He looks at me and chuckles. Danny says, "And it can all be mine." He asks, "All? Let us say half." She gives him a look and he says, "More than enough to buy horses, ships, armies--enough to go home." She asks, "All I have to do?" He answers, "Is marry me." Wait, What?!

- End of Chapter 32 -

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