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~Kenna's POV~

      It's been a few months since we got on the ship, maybe two or three. My belly is really starting to show and I'm standing with Danny as we look upon her fast growing dragons flying the air and eating fish that they caught by diving into the water. Drogon lands in front of us and Daenerys pets him. I do the same and Jorah points out, "they're growing fast." 

      She says, "Not fast enough. I can't wait that long." Drogon flies away and Danny says, "I need an army." Jorah says, "We'll be in Astapor by nightfall. Some say the Unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world." Danny turns around, "The greatest slave-soldiers in the world." If Danny can eradicate slavery, I'm all for it. It should have been done in my time period long before it actually did.

      I've told Danny and Jorah about where I've come from, about Kelly and what happened at Winterfell. Danny continues, "The distinction means a good deal to some people." Jorah asks, "Do those people have any better Ideas about how to put you on the iron throne?" 

      Danny just says, "It's too beautiful a day to argue." A man vomits and it almost causes a chain reflex...with me as the chain. Jorah nods, "You're right," As we walk over to the railing facing everyone and look over. Jorah jokes, "another lovely day on the high seas." Danny says, "Don't mock them. They're the first dothraki who have ever been on a ship. They followed me across the poison water. If they'll do it, others will. And with a true Khalasar--" but Jorah says, "The Dothraki follow strength above all, Khaleesi. You'll have a true Khalasar when you prove yourself strong. And not before."

      She stays quiet, thinking, when a woman appears next to me, "My lady, you are glowing more than usual." I turn and Danny smiles at me. I chuckle, "You flatter me." She asks, "May I take a look?" She points at my stomach and I nod, nervous and anxious. She puts a gentle hand on my stomach and closes her eyes.

      After a moments passed, she smiles and says, "They're as strong and healthy as their beautiful mother." I ask, "I-i'm sorry, 'they?' There's more than one?" She nods, "Two." I gasp and hold my stomach, "How do you know this?" She explains, "I'm a physician on this, but before that I was in King's landing as a midwife. My family comes from a long line of...SPECIAL people." I nod and someone calls for her to go down and help someone. She bows, "My ladies, pardon me." We nod and I look at Danny. Two??


      It's sunset and we've just arrived. Me, Danny, Jorah, the man in control of all of this, and his slave, a beautiful woman, are walking while the man in control speaks Valyrian. Danny is pretending to not understand and have the woman translate but aside from Dothraki, I've studied Valyrian from Danny. I guess she just wants to keep the information to herself for now; smart. I've my bow ready in case the man tries something. I might be pregnant, but I can still work a bow. A sword is harder, but a bow works.

      The woman explains, "The Unsullied have stood here for a day and a night with no food or water." We enter a small building area where there's many of these Unsullied. They will stand until they drop." He continues talking and I can't help but feel bad. This is complete torture. The man is making sure to stay as far away from Aragon and Freki as they can. Besides a few select people, mostly just Danny and Jorah, they are very protective. The father along I am, the more protective they are.

      The woman says, speaking for the man, "Such as their obedience." They move out of the way as we walk towards them and I only just notice his whip. Danny says, "They may suit my needs. Tell me of their training." The woman tells the man, "The Westerosi woman is pleased with them, but speaks no praise to keep the price down. She wishes to know how they are trained." He demands that she tell Danny quickly about it. Impatient dog. 

      We walk up stairs and turn towards them as the woman explains, "They begin their training at five. Every day they drill from dawn to dusk until they have mastered the short sword, the shield, and the three spears. Only one boy in four survives this rigorous training." The man speaks and she says, "Their discipline and loyalty are absolute. They fear nothing." I say, "Even the bravest men fear death." She tells the man, "The woman says even brave men fear death." He says, "Tell the girl she smells of piss." 

      She looks at me and I just clutch my bow string. I have to be careful about it; Danny needs this. She asks, "Truly, master?" He yells, "No, not truly." And she looks away, scared. He asks, "Are you a girl or a goat to ask such a thing." She says as he continues, "My master says the Unsullied are not men. Death means nothing to them."

      He says, "Tell this ignorant whore of a Westerner to open her eyes and watch." Oh, sodd off you old. shriveled piece of self-absorbed shit. He steps down and the woman says, "he begs you attend to this carefully, your grace."

      He moves one their shields and cuts off a piece of their shirt, revealing their chest. Danny insists, "Tell the good master there is no need." He asks, "She's worried about their nipples? Does the dumb bitch know we've cut off their balls?" He cuts the mans nipple off and he stands their as if nothing is happening. The woman says, "My master points out that men don't need nipples." He puts the mans shirt back and makes him stand back where he was.

      The man whos just had his nipple carved out says, "This one is pleased to have served you." The self-loving asshole turns around and speaks; the woman translates, "To win his shield, an unsullied must go to the slave marts with a silver mark, find a newborn and kill it before it's mother's eyes." I inhale sharply and hold my stomach. He smirks.

      This man would be dead before he could even speak the words. She continues, "This way, my master says, we make certain there is no weakness left in them." Danny asks the man, "you take a babe from it's mothers arms, kill it as she watches and pay for her pain with a silver coin?" The woman tells the man, "She is offended. She asks if you pay a silver coin to the mother, for her dead baby?" He spits, "What a soft mewling fool this one is." 

      He talks and the woman says, "My master would like you to know that the silver is paid to the babies owner, not the mother." Danny just looks at him and I share the same expression. She asks, "How many do you have to sell?" He holds up eight fingers and the woman answers, "Eight thousand." He says, "Tell the Westerosi whore she has until tomorrow." The woman says, "Master Kraznys asks that you please hurry. Many other buyers are interested." She leaves with her 'master' and we stay behind. I ask, "8,000 dead babies."

      We walk along the beach and Jorah explains, "The Unsullied are a means to an end." Danny asks, "Once I own them, these men--" but Jorah corrects her, "They're not men. Not anymore." She asks, "Once I own an army of slaves, what will I be?" We appear in front of a small thing of stairs leading to many people busy doing things and Jorah replies, "Do you think these slaves will have better lives serving Kraznys  and men like him or serving you?" I put my hand on her shoulder, "Just because you will now own them, doesn't mean that you're anything like them." She smiles and we look upon the people. There's a blonde little girl with blue lips tossing and catching a ball by herself while looking at us, smiling.

      We walk down the stairs and she runs away. Jorah explains, "You'll be fair to them. You won't mutilate them to make a point." The little girl is running and hiding playfully while Danny smiles at her. Jorah continues, "You won't order them to murder babies. You'll see they're properly fed and sheltered. A great injustice has been done to them. Closing your eyes will not undo it." We stop along with the little girl just in front of the docks. 

      The little girl rolls the ball to Danny and she picks it up. She has Danny unscrew it and Danny laughs as she does so. Just before she does, a man in a black cloak smacks it out of her hand and Jorah grabs him. Danny falls and the object opens, showing a shiny green and yellow scorpion...

- End of Chapter 37 -

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