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~Kenna's POV~

      It's later than night and we're gathered in the tent again. Rodrick says, "The scouts report Lord Tywin moves North. We need to get him on broken ground, put his knights at a disadvantage." The fingerless man refutes, "No, we need to get around him and break Jaime Lannister's siege of Riverrun. Do that and the river lords will join us." Robb states, "To do either we need to cross the river and the only crossing is at the Twin's."

      Theon says, "Lord Frey controls that bridge." He looks at Robb's mother, "Your father's Bannerman." She simply states, "The late lord Frey, my father calls him. At the Trident, he didn't appear until the battle was done. Some men take their oaths more  seriously than others." Theon says, "Robb's right. We need that bridge."

      Fingerless man asks, "So what's it going to be? Do we move against Jaime or Lord Tywin?" Before Robb can answer, they bring a man in. He's young. One of the knights that brought him in says, "Your pardon, my lords. We've captured a Lannister scout." Theon covers the map and the fingerless man says, "Don't worry, lad. He won't be leaving this tent with his head." 

      Robb asks, "Where did you find him?" The knight answers, "In the brush above the encampment. He looked to be counting." Robb walks over to them. He asks the boy, "How high did you get?" The boy answers, "20,000, maybe more." Rodrick says, "You don't have to do this yourself. Your father would understand-" Robb interjects, "My father understand mercy, when there's room for it. And he understands honor...and courage. Let him go." His mother stands up, "Robb," but I get why. Let him run back with false information. 

      Robb says to the boy, "Tell Lord Tywin that winter is coming for him. 20,000 northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold." The boy responds, "Yes, my lord." I'm proud of him. Fingerless man yells at Robb as the knights escort the boy out, "Are you touched, boy?! Letting him go?" Robb states, "You call me boy again. Go on." He just looks at us, silent. 

      He growls and leaves. 


      Me and Robb are getting ready for bed when he asks, "What's on your mind?" I sigh and sit on the bed, "I've no doubt that you will win against the Lannisters..." He asks, "But?" I continue, "What if something happens and you do die? You'll be gone and I'll never be able to have nights like this with you." 

      He takes my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes as tears weld up in mine, "I'm not going anywhere. And If i do somehow die, then I'll have taken the Lannisters with me. I swear it." He kisses my forehead and the tears fall. I sniffle and we get under the covers, sleeping.


      We are waiting outside of Walder Frey's home when I shoot down another crow with a message. Theon takes the message, handing it to Robb. Robb says, "It's a birthday message to his grand-niece Walda." Theon says, "Or so Walder Frey would have you think." Catelyn says to me and Theon, "Keep shooting them down. We can't risk Lord Walder sending word of your movements to the Lannisters." Robb says, "He's grandfather's bannerman. We can't expect his support?" 

      Greatjon says, "Expect nothing of Walder Frey and you'll never be surprised. Look." We all look to where he's pointing at with his head. There's two men on horses carrying flags and coming to us. Robb says, "Father rots in a dungeon. How long before they take his head? We need to cross the trident and we need to do it now.

      Theon insists, "Just march up to his gates and tell him you're crossing. We've got five times his numbers. You can take the Twins if you have to." Greatjon refutes, "Not in time. Tywin Lannister marches North as we speak." Catelyn says, "The Freys have held the crossing for 600 years and for 600 years they have never failed to exact their toll." Robb instructs, "Have my horse saddled and ready." Greatjon says, "Enter the Twins alone and he'll sell you to the Lannisters as he likes."

      Theon adds, "Or throw you in a dungeon. Or slit your throat." Robb says, "My father would do whatever it took to secure our crossing. Whatever it took. If I'm going to lead this army, I can't have other men doing my bargaining for me." Catelyn nods, "I agree. I'll go." Theon yells, "You can't!" Robb refutes as well but she just states, "I have known Walder Frey since I was a girl. He would never harm me." Greatjon states, "Unless there was a profit in it." 

      I state, "I'll go with her." Everyone looks at me, shocked. I state, "That way she won't be going alone. You said it yourself, I'm good with a sword and I'm damn perfect with a bow." She nods and we leave with the men on our horses. We enter and it's very grim in here. Who the hell are all these people? 

      Lord Frey asks me, "who are you?" I answer, "Kenna Snow." He asks Catelyn, "What is a bastard doing with you in my walls?" I roll my eyes. She says, "It is a great pleasure to see you again after so many years, my lord." He scoffs, "Oh, spare me. Your boy's too proud to come here himself. What am I supposed to do with you?" I grip my sword tightly. 

      An older man says, "Father, you forget yourself. Lady Stark is here-" But Frey interrupts him, "Who asked you? You're not Lord Frey, yet. Not until I die. Do I look dead to you?" Father? How old IS this guy? And why is he rubbing that poor young girls ass in such a creepy way. Surely that can't be his wife. 

      Another man says, "Father, please-" but he interrupts him as well, "I need lessons in courtesy from you, bastard? If it wasn't for me your mother would still be a milkmaid if I hadn't squirted you into her." This guy is seriously vulgar and disgusting. I don't care who he is, I'd drive my sword in him myself if I could. 

      He says to me and Catelyn, "Aright. You, come forward." We take a few steps. Catelyn keeps going and gives her a horrifying wet kiss on her hand. He says to the "bastard", "There. Now that I've observed the courtesies, perhaps my sons will do me the honor of shutting their mouths." Maybe you'll do everyone the honor of dying. 

      Catelyn asks, "Is there somewhere we can talk?" He says, "We're talking right now. Fine." He yells to everyone, "Out! All of you!" Everyone leaves. He smacks the butt of the young girl next to him, "You too." She leaves and he asks, looking at her ass, "You see that? 15 she is. A little flower. And her honey's all mine." He licks his lips and laughs lecherously." He steps down and Catelyn says, "I'm sure she'll give you many sons." I follow behind her as she follows behind him. 

      He says, "Your father didn't come to the wedding." She insists, "He is quite Il, my lord." He points out, "Didn't come to the last one either. Or the one before that. Your family has always pissed on me." She says, "My lord, I-" But he just says, "Don't deny it. You know it's true." I would too if I were them. 

      He continues, "The fine Lord Tully would never marry any of his children to mine." She insists, "I'm sure there were many reasons why-" but he interjects AGAIN, "I didn't need reasons. I needed to get rid of sons and daughters. You see how they pile up? Why are you here?" She explains, "To ask you to open your gates, my lord. So my son and his bannerman may cross the Trident and be on their way."

      He asks, "Why should I let him?" She says, "If you could climb your own battlements, you would see that he has 20,000 men outside your walls." He says, "They'll be 20,000 corpses when Tywin Lannister gets here." That's it...

- End of Chapter 20 -

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