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~Kenna's POV~

      We wake up and get dressed. I finished my drawings last night. I had enough time to finish Robb's and his mother's. Today we're fighting Jaime Lannister...

      We're about to leave the tent when he says, "Don't die out there." I smile, "You either, Lord Stark." We kiss and make our way out.


      The fighting's begun and I've already killed about six men. Some are harder to fight than others, but I managed nonetheless. I start looking around and I see exactly what I saw in my vision! The fighting, the bloodshed, everything. 

      That must have been from my own point of view. Thank goodness my stitches have healed mostly. I hear yelling from behind me and see the man from my vision coming towards me. He swings his sword at me and I duck, just barely missing it. Our swords exchange blow and I slice his leg just a little bit. 

       Someone from behind me shoots an arrow into my shoulder and knocks me out...


~Robb's POV~

      I haven't seen Kenna since the fighting began. I know she can handle herself, she's proven that many times before, but I can't help but worry. We run on our horses to where my mother and Rodrick are. She sobs happily as she sees me. 

      We drop Jaime Lannister on the ground, causing him to grunt in pain. I tell her, "By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened." Jaime says to my mother, "Lady Stark. I'd offer you my sword, but I seem to have lost it." My mother spits, "It is not your sword I want. Give me my daughters back. Give me my husband."

      Jaime says, "I've lost them too, I'm afraid." Theon demands, "Kill him, Robb. Send his head to his father. He cut down ten of our men--you saw him." Jaime says, "I believe one was a girl. Well, I didn't do it. It was actually my squire. She was going to die anyway but one or two arrows in her couldn't have done much." I ask, "What girl?" He laughs, "Beautiful long hair, pretty good with a sword." I clench my fists and he smiles, "Oh, you know her! This should be interesting."

      He's wrong. She's not dead. I punch him in face with so much force that  he has to spit blood and say, "He's more use to us alive than dead." My mother says, "Take him away and put him in Irons." Jaime says to me, "We could end this war right now, boy, save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks I fight for the Lannister's. Swords or lances, teeth, nails--choose your weapons and let's end this here and now," but I simply respond, "If we do it your way, Kingslayer, you'd win. We're not doing it your way." 

      Greatjon says, "Come on, pretty man," taking him away as everyone cheers." Theon comes up and I state solemly, "I sent 2,000 men to their graves today." Theon says, "The bards will sing songs of their sacrifice." I nod, "Aye, but the dead won't hear them." I yell to everyone, "One victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sisters from the queen? Did we free the north from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over." 

      I turn around when someone shouts, "Over there!" I turn back and see someone on a horse, hunched over, nearly falling off. It's Kenna!

- End of Chapter 22 -

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