- 36 -

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~Kenna's POV~

      Jorah takes us to the house of the Undying and it's huge. Kavarro says, "A house of ghosts, Khaleesi. It is known." We get to the last stair and I ask, "Where are the guards?" Jorah answers, "No guards. The warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel." Danny says, "Let them try," As she moves forward. We follow her to an area with very wide and very large round walls. 

       She asks, "Is this a riddle?" She starts walking and Jorah turns to me and Kavarro, stopping us from following. They go around and I get dizzy, nearly falling over. Kavarro holds me up, "Are you alright?" I'm about to nod when I fall to the ground, seeing flashing images. It's Danny. She's in a dark building, scared. Her dragons cry and someone is lit on fire. I see chains and then nothing.

      Once I'm no longer seeing the images, I open my eyes and everything is back to normal. Kavarro asks, "What is wrong?" I shake my head as he helps me up, "I am fine now. It was nothing." He's curious, but he doesn't press the issue. We hear footsteps and turn around, but It's just Jorah; Danny is nowhere to be seen. He looks up and yells, "Khaleesi!"

      I say, "I have a bad feeling about this..."


      We're waiting impatiently outside when we hear footsteps. Danny appears behind us, her dragons in hand. They make their chattering noises and we smile gratefully for having both her and her dragons back.

      We make our way to Xaro's chambers. Us and a few soldiers. The second that we walk to his bed, we see a naked, sleeping Doreah lying next to a sleeping, half naked Xaro. So Doreah betrayed us? Betrayed Danny? Strangled Irri?

      Kavarro lifts the lock for the vault off Xaro's chest and snatches it quickly, waking him up in the process. Danny's dragons are climbing on her as Xaro looks around, shocked. The dragons screech and Doreah wakes up, looking at us like she's a child who's gotten caught with his hand in his mommy's purse. 

      Doreah begs, "Khaleesi, please. He said you'd never leave Qarth alive." Daenerys commands, "Come." She turns and we leave. 

      We're in front of the vault and Kavarro unlocks it. Danny steps inside with the torch and says, "Nothing." So he lied. He was going to have her marry him for nothing. She turns to him and she walks past she says, "Thank you, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you for teaching me this lesson." Danny nods and some of the men force both Doreah and Xaro into the vault. Xaro tries to lie and say that he can help her get the seven kingdoms while Doreah pleads but Danny refuses to hear it and so do I. 

      Jorah locks it and turns to us. He hands Danny the key to the vault. 

      We're in our chambers along with Jorah and some people helping us pack. Jorah states as we look around, "It's all a lie." Danny says, "Looks real enough for me." Danny holds a gold plate meant to hold fruits and asks, "Real enough to buy a ship?" He nods, "Aye, a small ship." I smile and they chuckle. 

      Me and Danny make our way down the stairs and Jorah commands, "Take all the gold and jewels." They cheer and we leave. Danny gets her dragons and they purr along with my direwolves...

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm cutting this one short because I am doing a time skip in the next episode and thought it would be better to make the next episode start from there. Until next time...:)

- End of Chapter 36 -

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