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~Kenna's POV~

      I walk over and he says, "Great to see you're doing better. I'm sorry for my squire, he seemed to have thought you were a knight." I say, "Just sorry he didn't have better aim. He'll have wished he did when I'm through with him. And as for being a knight, you're right; I'm not one. Yet it seems I've more honor and loyalty than you, Kingslayer."

      He says, "It's a shame. You probably would have made a good one. Oh well." I'm confused until I hear Greatjon behind me, "Don't let him get In your head. He's just a tad upset we got the jump on him." I smirk and he leads me out. As we're walking to my tent he says, "About what I said to you at the feast, I would like to apologize."

      I shake my head, "I've been called worse, trust me. 'Whore' is the least demeaning. Apology accepted." He laughs and says, "I saw you out there fighting. You're a tough little lass, aren't you?" I nod, "Tougher than most of his lot," I say using my head to point to Jaime. He laughs.

      I say, "I think I'd like to retire. I'll see you tomorrow, My lord." He nods, "My lady," and leaves. My lady? He must have mistaken me for Catelyn. I walk inside and get a head start on a good nights sleep.


      I wake up to a noise being made outside the tent. It's very dark aside from the moonlight and Robb is sleeping peacefully behind me. I grab my sword and unsheathe it as quietly as possible. I then tip toe to the entrance of the tent and wait by it. I make sure no one's there before I rush out, sword at the ready. I see a man bent over like he's afraid.

      I demand, "You there, state your business. Why are outside my tent at this hour?" He just stands up and turns around, a blank expression on his face. He looks at something behind me and before I even have a chance at looking to see what it is, there's a rag over my face.

      I don't know what's in it, but I drop my sword and fight like hell. It seems it is a drug because in just a few moments I grew dizzy and passed out, but just before I did, I hear the man who drugged me say, "Get her stuff and let's go. Hurry! Before they wake up!"

~Robb's POV~

      I wake up and the bed is empty on Kenna's side. Where could she have gone? I look next to her side and see that her sword and cloak are gone, but there's a drawing under a book. I look at it and it's me and her when she had the nightmare and I pet her to sleep. Did she do this from memory? I knew she was extraordinary, but this is a new level. 

      I see that most of her clothes are here, but her main bag is gone along with her water and some food. I get up, putting my pants on and yell, "Kenna?!" People start to look at me confused. Theon and my mother run up to me, "What's wrong?" I reply, "It's Kenna; she's gone..."

- End of Chapter 24 -

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